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You rocked the résumé, nailed the interview, and landed the job. Congratulations! Now it's time to get to work. Your first day on the job can feel both exciting and nerve-wracking, so here's how to handle the first-day jitters like a pro and leave a lasting impression on your new coworkers.你的簡歷寫得很棒,面試也很出色,最終獲得了那份工作。祝賀你!現在到了去上班的時候了。你上班的第一天或許會覺得既興奮又緊張,以下是一些能讓你像個專業人士一樣handle住第一天的工作的技巧,還能給你的新同事們留下長久的印象。

Show up on time: Today is not the day to try a new coffee shop or take a shortcut to work. Being on time is always important, but today especially. Before your first day, ask your manager what time you should arrive, and show up at precisely that time — not too early and certainly not late. Also, try mapping out or even traveling your route beforehand, that way you will know exactly where to go and how long it will take.按時到崗:今天可不是適合嘗試新的咖啡店或是走捷徑去上班的日子。準時到崗總是非常重要的的,但今天尤為如此。在你第一天上班之前,問問你的經理你該什麼時候到,並且在那個時間點準時到達——既不太早,當然也不太晚。同時,你要摸清路線,甚至事先走一遍,這樣你就能夠明確地知道你要怎麼走,要花多少時間了。

Play the name game: On your first day, you will be introduced to several new faces, which can often seem overwhelming. To ensure you don't forget the names of important people, ask for a seating chart, and use these tactics to remember names.名字的遊戲:在你上班的第一天,你會被介紹給一些新面孔,或許對你來說會覺得太多了。為了確保你不會忘記那些重要的人的名字,要一張座位表,並且使用一些記住名字的技巧吧。

Overdress: No, you don't have to show up in a ball gown, but do look the part. Even if you are unsure of the office dress code and environment (casual or corporate), it's hard to go wrong with chic and simple business attire, like a fitted blazer. Don't be afraid to add a touch of personal style, as well.穿得顯眼些:不,你不需要穿著舞會袍去上班,不過你要注重這方面。即使你不確定辦公室的著裝密碼以及環境(是休閒的還是正式的),不過穿著簡單別緻的商務裝,比如一件合體的.西裝上衣總是沒錯的。也別擔心加入一些個人的元素。

Bring a notebook: Just like your high-school days, bring a notebook and don't let it leave your side! You will be introduced to so much new information, tricks, and tips that will be important to remember beyond your first day. Plus, jotting down notes will help you to better remember these tips in the long run.帶本筆記本:正如你的高校歲月一樣,帶上一本筆記本,並且和它形影不離吧!你會被介紹到許多新的資訊、技巧和提示,在你上班的第一天記住這些是非常重要的。此外,簡單地記下一些資訊也能幫助你在長遠的時間段裡更好地記住這些提示。

Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask more about a topic or to address any concerns you may have, even if the answer is simple. Your coworkers will be more than understanding and willing to help! Plus, asking smart questions shows you are interested and engaged.提問:不要害怕對一個話題多問幾個問題,或是表達你的任何擔心,即使答案相當簡單。你的同事們會非常理解你並且願意提供幫助的。此外,如果你問出了一些聰明的問題,會顯得你對工作很感興趣並且非常投入。

Observe, observe, observe: Soak it all in! Watching is the best way to learn and get a feel for your new job and office environment.觀察,觀察,觀察:吸收全部!觀察室最好的學習和熟悉新工作和辦公室環境的方式。