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  2. 汽車及零配件



Reading Comprehension Directions: In this passage, you will have in the passage; N ({for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

How to Buy a Used Car

Nearly everybody buys a used car sooner or later, as a primary vehicle or as a second car. Indeed(當然), three out of four sales today are used cars, and theyre not cheap junkers (廢物)either the average price now is $ 5500, about half what a new car costs. Make the wrong selection and a major investment (投資)can be lost the moment you drive off the lot.

There is far less chance of this happening to you if you know: when to buy, where to buy, how to examine (仔細檢查) the car, how to conduct (進行) your own road test, and how to bargain over (講價)the price.

When to buy

Shop during the day. Lighting makes cars gleam (V 閃光)like jewels (寶石)at night. In daylight they look dull (黯淡的), but realistic.

Dont shop in the rain. It can mask(掩蓋) liquids (液體) that might be leaking (洩漏). If possible, shop in the winter when supplies are high and demand (需求)is low.

Where to buy

Shop the suburbs. In more affluent (富有的)neighborhoods cars are more likely to have been well cared for.