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大學英語自我介紹作文 篇一

Hello everyone! My name is Zheng Chenggong, Zheng Boyang's Zheng, Ph. D.'s Bo, ocean's ocean, Han nationality. I am not short, but the class and the high ratio, it is much less. Like most of my classmates, I am 18 years old this year. My weakness. The main work is deft, self-consciousness is not high, for you don't care. When I was in grade six, the school was just across the street from my house. I often get up at half past seven, to do more than half an hour to get ready to go out, but also often late. So my classmates called me "late king". Now, at least six points to get up, to have enough time to eat, car, etc.. This is a challenge for me. However, I would like to take this opportunity to get rid of the bad habit if I don't. In addition, consciousness is not high, the class can not be made to do some small action, speech. A few days ago we have participated in the military training, standing still do not move. I feel that through this military training, my consciousness has improved. I also hope to get rid of this problem in the future study. For you don't care. When I was on behalf of the math class, there are several times the book to forget the hair, the confiscation of the work together, get a lot of blame the teacher. I hope to get rid of it. I am determined to get rid of my shortcomings and bad habits. My advantage: I and a lot of classmates, also can not find my advantage. After my parents and I discuss the following: more motivated, more optimistic. As for my more advantages, we rely on the excavation of the! My hobbies. I like swimming, playing football, and I'm interested in military affairs. If anyone and I "like-minded", you can find me to make a friend. Expectations for future life in junior high school. I hope to be able to spend the happy in these 4 years, and the students can make a profound friendship, to learn more from the teacher to learn more about the truth. I hope you can understand me, like me, also hope that students can unite and love to spend the 4 years.

大家好!我的名字叫鄭博洋,鄭成功的鄭,博士的博,海洋的洋,漢族。我的個子不矮,但和班上的高個兒比起來,就遜色多了。和大多數同學一樣,我今年也是18歲。 我的缺點。主要是作事不麻利,自覺性不高,對自己的事不上心。上六年級的時候,學校就在我家對面。我卻常常是七點半起床,要做半個多小時的準備才能出門,還經常遲到。因此同學們叫我“遲到大王”。現在,最起碼六點多就要起床,才能有足夠的時候吃飯、坐車等。這對我是個挑戰。不過,我一定要借這個機會,改掉我不麻利的壞習慣。另外,自覺性不高,上課不免做些小動作、講話。前幾天大家都參加了軍訓,站著要一動也不動。我感到透過這次軍訓,我的自覺性有所提高。我也希望在以後的學習中改掉這個毛病。對自己的事不上心。我在當數學課代表時,有好幾次本子忘發,作業沒收齊,捱過老師不少責備。我也希望改掉它。我有決心改掉我的缺點和壞習慣。 我的優點:我和很多同學一樣,也找不出我的優點。我和父母討論之後得出:較有上進心,較樂觀。至於我更多的優點,就靠大家的發掘了! 我的興趣愛好。我比較喜歡游泳,踢足球,也對軍事感興趣。如果誰和我“志同道合”,就可以找我交個朋友。 對未來初中生活的期望。我希望能在這4年裡快樂地度過,能和同學們結下深厚的友誼,能從老師那裡學到更多的知識和道理。 我希望大家能夠了解我,喜歡我,也希望同學們能團結友愛地度過這4年。

大學英語自我介紹作文 篇二

How to say, I am a very hardworking boy, some lazy cat. Often put a pile of clothes to save together to wash, a person's time will not go to cook, always find some alternative food, although I cook very delicious.

This is a boy, it is a relatively large disadvantage of it. Not diligent represents not motivated, I want to muddle along, no girl will love this boy. After all, we still have to improve the quality of life.

In fact, I feel also is pretty good taste, just a little pocket money. Otherwise, I will choose the high quality of life, but the economic depression. But even if I had the money to stay, for me, they left no sense, to spend only a value. Besides, so many people have touched the paper, think about it. So, do not buy things, and resolutely do not charge money.

I am a very emotional boy, often somehow like some things. Or a person, or a person, or someone's action, a certain expression, will suddenly like the. Sometimes angry, but not to hate. Just as sensitive as a girl, the boy is easy to get tired of the girls. I think his wife must be a "cure" of the master, or is not a way to get along with me.

Although I am also a cure for the Department of the master, but for their own or more indulgence. In fact, it is not just about indulgence, but. There is no impact on others, there is no drag on society, but I have some little stubborn. Must first wash your face after brushing. The room or not tidy, or all the things to clean up. Would have been like a girl for a long time. There is no reason for a person to go to his favorite place, although nothing to do.

Love is often a person calm down and think about life (or to tomato scrambled eggs with sugar or salt and heat problems) or abstract problems (such as death, life and the universe), or simply miss someone, or just quietly in a daze what also don't want to.

Some people say I stay, say I am slow. In fact, my reaction is not slow, just want to have more. As I am not sad, but often sleep is not enough, eyes open, facial muscles do not bother to move.








大學英語自我介紹作文 篇三

Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China.I am very happy to come here to study with you.When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it.It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me especially Kim.This class feels just like one big family to me.I’m interested in sports, music and mountain climbing.I also enjoy playing soccer. I would love to play with you sometime.I hope I can become your friend soon. Thank you very much。

大家好。 我的名字叫石頭,我來自中國廣東。我很高興來這裡和你們一起唸書,當我三天前來到這個學校時,我就喜歡上它了這裡是那麼美麗,那麼振 奮人心,這裡的每個人都 對我很親切,特別是Kim 老師。而這個班集體對我來說就像一個大家庭。我對運動、音樂和爬山很有興趣。我也喜歡踢足球。我非常想和你們一起踢球。最後,我希望我能很快成為你們的朋友,謝謝。