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摘要:採用自行研製的懸浮填料生物反應器中試裝置對石油化工廢水進行處理.透過6、8、10和12 h四個不同水力停留時間的硝化過程取得了不同執行條件下的氨氮去除效果.

結果表明,懸浮填料生物反應器完全可以達到生物硝化的.目的.當進水中BOD5和CODcr質量濃度變化範圍在77.4~234.0 mg·L-1和245.5~695.7mg·L-1時,其平均去除率分別為90%和80%以上,平均出水質量濃度分別小於15和90 mg·L-1.試驗期間進水氨氮質量濃度在8.3~53.2 mg·L-1範圍內,四個工況條件下的平均去除率分別為55.5%、86.7%、91.1%和95.6%,平均出水質量濃度分別為9.43、3.10、1.71和0.79mg·L-1.

Abstract:The HRTs of 6h, 8h, 10h and 12h was investigated to test the nitrification process to find out what level of ammonia nitrogen removal that could be obtained under different operation conditions.

The study showed that the SCBR was suitable for nitrification purposes. When the influent concentrations of BOD5 and CODcr varied in a range of 77.4~234.0 mg· L- 1 and 245.5~695.7 mg· L- 1,the average removal efficiencies were 90 % and 80 %, and the average effluent concentrations were less than 15mg· L-1 and 90mg· L-1 for BOD5 and CODcr, respectively. During the test period the ammonia nitrogen concentrations varied from 8.3 to 53.2 mg· L- 1, the corresponding average removal efficiencies were 55.5 %,86.7%, 91.1% and 95.6 %, and average effluent concentrations were 9.43 mg· L- 1, 3.1 mg· L- 1, 1.71mg·L-1,and 0.79 mg·L-1, respectively at HRTs of 6h, 8h, 10h and 12h.