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The savings mistakes range from directly buying company stock to not saving for retirement.Here are the worst savings mistakes that you may be making:存錢的誤區有很多,包括直接購買公司股票、放棄儲存退休金等。下面列舉一些大家可能正在邁入的存錢誤區:

1.You don't have a savings account.沒有儲蓄賬戶

Just 51 percent of American families have a savings account, according to the Fed's survey. Having a savings account is critical for being able to save over the long term.根據美聯儲調查,僅有51%的美國家庭擁有儲蓄賬戶。從長遠考慮,擁有儲蓄賬戶對於存錢非常重要。

2.You aren't saving for retirement.放棄儲蓄退休金

Only 35 percent of families have an employer retirement plan, 28 percent of them have an individual retirement account (IRA), and 13 percent have both types of accounts, according to the Fed's survey.根據美聯儲調查顯示,僅有35%的美國家庭可以享受企業養老金計劃,28%的家庭擁有私人養老金賬戶(IRA),13% 的家庭兩種都有。

3.You have bought a few stocks directly from the stock market.直接從股市購進股票

29 percent of families directly hold one stock, and 53 percent of families directly hold 2 to 9 stocks, according to the Fed's survey. People that aren't investing for a living are likely to lose money by buying individual stocks because they are being outsmarted by professional traders, high-frequency traders, and professional investors that have studied companies' fundamentals closely. Diversification, on the other hand, insulates you from individual companies' mistakes and allows you to benefit from the economy's general growth.根據美聯儲調查顯示,29%的'家庭直接持有一支股票,53%的家庭直接持有2到9支股票。為投資獲利而購買個股很容易賠錢,因為一般人很難勝過專業人士,這些職業操盤手、高頻交易員和職業投資人早已把各個公司的經營狀況仔細研究過了。從另一方面來講,多元化的投資方式會讓你免受私人企業失誤的牽連,而且會讓你享受整體經濟增長所帶來的好處。

4.You chose your bank because it is close to you, not because of what it has to offer.選擇銀行只為方便,而不是它為你所帶來利益。

46 percent of households said they chose the location of their checking account because of the "location of their offices," according to the Fed's survey. Convenience is good, but it's even better to not have to pay crazy fees.根據美聯儲調查顯示,46%的家庭表示他們選擇存款銀行的依據是“公司所在地”。方便固然很好,但是如果還不用繳納高額的費用豈不是更好。

5.You don't have a checking account.沒有活期存款

10 percent of families do not have a checking account, 59 percent of whom are in the bottom income quintile, 51 percent are headed by someone younger than age 45, and 66 percent of whom were minorities, according to the Fed's survey. Having a checking account is important for keeping track of your finances.根據美聯儲調查顯示,全國10%的家庭沒有活期存款,其中的59%都是收入最低五分之一家庭,另外51%為年齡在45歲以下人口,在這群人中,66%為少數裔。擁有活期存款對於保證自己的財政狀況非常重要。