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Basic information

Name: **

Gender: man

Education: junior college

Nationality: han nationality

Marital status: unmarried native place: henan - xinxiang city

Height: 180cm weight: 70kg

Major: engineering cost working experience: fresh graduates

Where to work: new country

Job objective

Industry/position: party a is expected to pay a monthly salary: full time

Industry/position: real estate/construction construction management is expected to pay a monthly salary: the nature of the discussion: full time

Industry/position: the property/construction engineering supervision is expected to pay a monthly salary: the nature of the discussion: full time

Industry/position: real estate/construction project cost/budget expected monthly salary: the nature of the discussion: full time

Education experience

School name: university of puyang professional technical college: engineering cost of study time: 2007-09-07-01 for education: junior college

Linguistic ability

Language: English ability: good

Work history

Company name: xinxiang fangyuan engineering management co., LTD

Working hours: 2010-05-05-01

Company size: 100 ~ 200 people

Department: engineering department

Job classification: construction supervision engineer

Monthly salary: 4000 and above

Job description: project supervision

Company name: xinxiang wooden river decoration

Working hours: 2009-05-07-20

Size: 10 to 100 people

Department: engineering department

Work classification: decoration/decoration project supervision

Salary: 1500 ~ 1999

Job description: mainly responsible for the safety and quality of the construction of several houses.


Looking for a job near the downtown area of xinxiang