Classroom Interaction And Oral English Teaching
(1)構建主義模式 它是以構建主義理論為基礎的互動模式,司洪海在《構建主義理論與英語口語教學》中從對現有教學模式的“反思”入手,探討將構建主義引入英語課堂教學的必要性、可行性及其意義和作用。盧豔春和路雅琴在《構建主義與大學英語口語課堂教學》中則分別“從構建知識觀”“構建學習觀”“構建教學觀”入手,強調以學生為中心的主動性、構建性。
(2)角色扮演模式 徐志敏、王瑛在《大學英語課堂互動教學中角色扮演探究》中著重探討了在角色扮演的互動教學中教師的作用,對指導教學實踐具有重要的意義。而黃玉蘭在《角色扮演引入英語專業口語教學中》從角色扮演是“多為互動英語口語教學模式的應用”探討了角色扮演這一教學方法的目的、步驟和利弊等方面。
(3)以學生為中心模式 這一模式被單獨研究的較少,黃影秋在《以學生為中心提高英語口語課堂教學效果的探索中》透過對學生口語課堂學習存在的問題的分析,提倡“以學生為中心”,實現教與學的“雙邊互動”。並提出闡述如何運用其他“教學策略提高口語的教學效果”,促進學生交際能力的提高。而劉蓉在《談英語口語課堂互動》中則提出了互動可以創造“以學生為中心的口語課堂和整體小組作業模式”,提高口語交際能力。
(4)合作性學習模式 這種模式的研究較為普遍和盛行,它興起於美國,在後來取得實質性的進展的一種教學理論與策略。黃豔在《合作性學習在大學英語課堂的應用》中提出了以下幾種合作模式,從而的出該模式的優勢所在。顧曉樂在《合作性學習與情景劇表演》中從情劇表演的`角度來證明合作性學習的有效性。肖巧玲在《大學英語口語教學中的合作學習》中則透過合作學習在口語教學中的實踐探究合作學習應注意的原則。而慕東文在《合作性學習的特點、目標、內容和實踐策略》一文中,他用“人文精神和平等民主合作”原則,對待新的理念,指導英語口語教學。
(5)情景設定模式 它主要是根據Gillian Brown & George Yuled的語言情景對第二語言習得者的交際緊張、焦慮的研究表明口語情景設定不適當,會影響學生用目標語進行交流,進而強調進行口語教學情景設定的重要性。張舍茹、孫邊旗在《英語口語教學的情景設定》中就論述我們應注意“情景互動教學中應遵循的原則”,及如何設定“英語口語教學中情景設定的形式”兩個小方面區域性性的探討了情景設定這種互動模式。孫久榮在《論英語口語課的情景教學》中對情景設定這個模式從宏觀上進行了分類,進而得出“開放式情景”和“封閉式情景”,為情景設定互動模式研究開闢了一個小領域。
Chapter One Definition and Theoretical Basis of Interaction
1.1 Definition of Interaction
1.2 Theoretical Basis of Interaction
1.3 Some Main Interactive Modes in the Present Classroom
Chapter Two The Necessity And The Principles of Following InteractionTeaching Mode
2.1 The Disadvantage of Traditional Oral English Teaching Mode
2.2 The Necessity and Merit of Taking InteractionTeaching Mode
2.3 Oral English InteractionTeaching Mode Should Follow the Principles
Chapter Three Personal Interaction in the Oral English Teaching
3.1 The Relationship Between the Teacher and Students
3.2 Two Types of Personal Interaction
3.3 Classroom Climate
3.4 Classroom Size
Chapter Four The Evaluation of the Interactive Oral English Teaching Mode
4.1 Some Principles Should Follow When Evaluating
4.2 The Concept of Evaluating
4.3 The Technology of Evaluating
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English Idioms and Their Cohesive Function
English idioms are an important part of the English vocabulary. The general tendencies of presentday English are towards more idiomatic usages. Halliday and Hason (1976) pointed out that there are three functions of English idioms (ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function)。 Another scholar, Fernando C. (1996), also made valuable contributions to the understanding of idiomatic expression_r of coherent text, and in the creation of stylistic effects.
Chinese linguists like Hu Zhuanglin (1994, 1996), Zhu Yongsheng (1995, 1996, 1997) and Zhang Delu (1994) mainly made contributions to the study of textual cohesion.
This paper is firstly intended to define English idioms and analyze the features of them. It then explores the cohesive function after careful analysis and discussion, attempting to arouse the concern of using idioms appropriately and help readers make full use of the cohesive function for communicating more concisely and idiomatically, thus more effectively.
As English idioms are much alive in everyday English, a close look at the function of idioms must be taken. This dissertation includes the following five aspects: 1. Introduction.
2. A General Study of English Idioms 2.1 The Definition of English Idioms 2.2 Features of English Idioms.
3. Cohesive Function of English Idioms 3.1 Cohesion.
3.2 Functional Categories.
3.3 Cohesive Function of Relational Idioms 3.4 Cohesive Function of Other Idioms.
4. The Cohesive Function in Terms of Syntax And Pragmatics 4.1 Syntactic Cohesion 4.2 Pragmatic Function 5. Conclusion.
January 22March 10: question posing of the research and collection of materials March 11March 25: analysis of the materials and writing of an outline.
March 26April 30: completion of the first draft and seeking supervisor’s advice May 1?June 10: refinement of the paper according to teacher’s suggestion.
June 11?June 22: finalization of the thesis based on the set requirements after the defence.
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Makkai, A. Idiom Structure in English. The Hague Press,1972
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