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中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival

在我國眾多傳統節日中,這個的翻譯算是對譯者和讀者都比較友好的,比起譯成Tomb-Sweeping Day的清明節來不那麼嚇人,比起Autumnal Equinox秋分來說又容易讀懂。農曆 Lunar Calendar

總說“農曆八月十五”,所謂陰曆或農曆,相對於陽曆而言,關於陽曆:它是1582年,由羅馬教皇格里高利十三世實行的歷法,故稱Gregorian Calendar.

閤家團圓 Family Reunion

口譯教程上教導大家,祖國統一要用reunification而不是unification,這不僅是用詞問題,更是政治問題,表示本來就是一家人,所以要加re-. 閤家不團圓的時候,才會明白“閤家團圓”四個字有多麼的珍貴。

月餅Moon Cake

想說說近幾年越來越流行的月餅券,Moon Cake Coupon,可以方便地轉增甚至貼現。是不是已經有了電子版的月餅券呢?E-Coupon? 以後送禮方便了,網上選購月餅,訂購,電子付款?反正只要最後吃的那一下還是由人來完成就可以了。


總覺得這樣的詞非常難譯,原因很簡單,老外好像不大“賞月”,英文裡的moon, lunar,更多是和發瘋有關?所以無論是moon-watching(感覺傻傻的)還是moon-viewing(還是感覺傻傻的,這兩個詞用在看月食挺好),或者enjoy或者admire,都沒有“賞”字來得有味道。中國人在風花雪月方面就是比老外有情調。賞花、賞菊、賞詩。莫不如此。


如果說到嫦娥,腦海中卻不能浮現出玲瓏的倩影,甚至心中升起些許感慨惆悵,那就不是母語人士了。在“豬年說豬”一篇關於八戒時似乎提及過此美。和西施等傳說中的大美女一樣,如果只是說美,那類似“拼音+解釋”,比如Chang’e, a legendary beauty in ancient Chinese fairytales,甚至用“海倫”這樣的洋妞來幫著解釋,如果無厘頭一些,或者說給外國小混混聽,上Christina Aguilera也未嘗不可啊。

在wiki上看到這麼一句解釋,Unlike many lunar deities in other cultures who personify the moon, Chang'e only lives on the moon. 於是我們瞭解到lunar deities的用法。



月亮傳說中的一個。眾多民間傳說版本中,本來吳剛似乎和嫦娥沒什麼關係,也有說是吳剛同學因為頻頻與嫦娥姑娘私會而觸怒玉皇大帝(個人覺得各國神話中比較沒品的一個君主),反正到頭來,遭到的懲罰都是:被貶到月亮裡砍月桂,但月亮中的月桂隨砍隨合,砍伐不盡,因而後世的`人得以見到吳剛在月中無休無止砍伐月桂的形象。直譯的話大概是,Wu Gang cutting cherry bay,(隨便譯吧,反正老外基本上不明白,還會有個別的把這裡的Gang理解為一群暴徒?)。不過可以幫我們認識月桂樹,就好像身處上海所以記住magnolia(白玉蘭,上海市花)

從本質上來說,這樣的懲罰方式,“月桂隨砍隨合,砍伐不盡”,有點類似“西西弗斯的傳說”,Sisyphus,因盜火而被神懲罰推巨石上山,但臨到頂時前功盡棄,從頭再來,永生永世。(依稀記得那句英語是?, only to have it plunge back down?,當時覺得很精煉 )。只不過對比吳剛伐桂與西西弗斯推石,後者悲壯,充滿力量,前者怎麼都有點“傻小子睡涼炕,全憑火力壯”的味道。



The annual lunar August 15,, is a traditional Mid-Autumn festival. At this time is a year the middle of autumn, so called Mid-Autumn festival. In the Chinese calendar, a year is divided into four seasons, quarterly and meng and still, season is divided into three parts, and the Mid-Autumn festival is also called appropriate. The moon 15 August than other several months more round full moon, the more bright, so they are called "YueXi", "BaYueJie". That night, people look up to the sky like jade bright moon, such as dish will naturally look forward to the family. That consigns the, would also like to take this to put all my hometown and relatives of emotion. So the Mid-Autumn festival, say again "TuanYuanJie".

我國人民在古代就有“秋暮夕月”的習俗。夕月,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要舉行迎寒和祭月。設大香案,擺上月餅、西瓜、蘋果、紅棗、李子、葡萄等祭品,其中月餅和西瓜是絕對不能少的。西瓜還要切成蓮花狀。在月下,將月亮神像放在月亮的那個方向,紅燭高燃,全家人依次拜祭月亮,然後由當家主婦切開團圓月餅。切的人預先算好全家共有多少人,在家的,在外地的,都要算在一起,不能切多也不能切少,大小要一樣。Our people in ancient times "autumn evenings on the custom of Pennsylvania". On Pennsylvania, that is on god worship. To the zhou dynasty, during the autumn which must meet to be held on cold and ceremonies. A big XiangAn, place on moon cake, watermelon, apple, red jujube, plum, grapes, including moon cakes and watermelon offerings is absolutely cannot little. Watermelon will cut into the lotus shape. In the next month, will the moon in the direction of the gods, red candle high fuel, the whole family worship offering the moon and in turn by the moon cake. Cut housewife reunion The cut is a good family man in advance how many person, at home, in the field of, want to be together, can't cut many also can't cut less, are to be the same size.


It no salt, ancient prince ugly youth worship month, have religious grow up, with superior character into the palace, but is not favour. August 15 year to celebrate in the moonlight, right, I saw her think she beautiful superior after, made her queen worship the Mid-Autumn festival, on from this and come. Months for the moon, beauty, the girls on to worship, as the moon, bright face as ".


In the tang dynasty, the Mid-Autumn moon, play quite popular on. In the capital. August 15

night, people became the youngest, rich or poor, wearing the clothes, religious worship adult on the moon god, pray tell wish the bless. Southern, civil distinctions to cakes, from the meaning of reunion. Some places and grass dragon dance, build by laying bricks or stones pagoda and other activities. Since Ming and qing dynasties, the Mid-Autumn festival customs became more popular; Many local formed a burning incense, tree Mid-Autumn festival, the point tower lights, put the sky lanterns, walk the moon, dance, and other

special customs dragon.


Today, the custom of the visit next month, has far no old popular. But hosted a dinner to celebrate the very popular still, people ask, to celebrate on the good life, or wish distant relatives healthy, happy, and the family "partings".


Many of the Mid-Autumn festival custom, form also each are not identical, but people are entrusted with the life of infinite love of the good life and a longing.