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  2. 面試



1. Don’t Make a Feeble First Impression不要給人軟弱的第一印象

It’s been said that employers can spot the right candidate within 30 seconds, and that’s all about body language. Be confident, but not arrogant. Walk in with a smile, without fiddling with anything you’re wearing, and give a firm handshake。僱主能在30秒之內確定面試者是否是合適的僱員,身體語言起到了非常重要的作用。要自信,但不要傲慢。走進房間時面帶微笑,不要擺弄身上的`物件,握手時堅定有力。


2. Stop Touching Your Face!不要摸臉

Did you see the movie Contagion

by Steven Soderbergh? A doctor played by Kate Winslet states that the average person touches their face between 2,000 and 3,000 times every day! Now, while you can’t stop yourself from doing this all the time, you must stop during the interview. We’re all guilty of touching our nose, our lips, and our forehead, but these all imply that we’re either nervous or dishonest。你看過那個電影嗎,史蒂芬·索德伯格導演的《病原體》?影片中,凱特·溫絲萊特扮演的大夫說,平常人每天都要觸控自己的臉2000-3000次!也許你無法改掉這個習慣,但至少在面試時不要這樣做。觸控鼻子,嘴唇和前額,表明你非常緊張或不誠實。


3. Don’t Do the Leg Wobble不要晃腿

It can be due to nervous energy, restless leg syndrome, or just bad habit. But whether you do it a little or a lot, do not do it in an interview. The message you’re sending is loud and clear — I’m anxious, and I can’t wait to get out of here。晃腿的原因有很多:情緒緊張,不安腿綜合徵,或是因為壞習慣。但是,在面試時,不要這樣做。這樣的身體語言傳達的資訊非常明確——我焦慮不安,只想儘快逃離這裡。