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英語作文: 求職面試是必須的嗎

英語作文: 求職面試是必須的嗎

在日常學習、工作或生活中,大家或多或少都會接觸過作文吧,作文根據體裁的不同可以分為記敘文、說明文、應用文、議論文。那麼,怎麼去寫作文呢?下面是小編整理的英語作文: 求職面試是必須的嗎,供大家參考借鑑,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友。

Is Job Interviewing A Necessary?

When it comes to job interview, people’s views vary differently. Some people believe that it is important for us to have an interview so that we can choose our favorite environment. Some people think interviews have nothing to do with us and it is a waste of time. In my opinion, job interviewing is necessary for both job seekers and employers.


First of all, by job interview, job seekers can know more about the company they applied. When we are hunting for jobs, we want to find jobs that we feel satisfied. If we don’t have interviews, then we will know less about the company we applied and we will leave the company in several days if we find the company is not what we want. Thus, interview helps us to know better whether we like the company or not.


Secondly, for employers, they want to find applicants that can meet their company’s requirement. By job interview, employers can know better of job hunters’ characteristics as well as altitudes which will help employers to choose suitable person to work for their company.


All in all, job interview is a necessary procedure for both employers and job seekers because it can help the both side to pick their satisfied jobs and people to get along with.
