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Key to Performance Performance: Self - Assessment and Objectives.Performance work is an important part of enterprise HR work. The key to the following two points: First, give employees the opportunity to self-assessment; the second is to make the staff's goals and the company's goals are consistent.

Give employees the opportunity to self-assess

First, the employee's self-assessment as part of the company's performance appraisal process, is very important. To encourage employees to participate in the company's performance appraisal process and ensure an effective dialogue between managers and employees, you can use the same form in the company's regular performance review process, or create a slightly modified version.

Second, the purpose of employee self-assessment is to obtain employees on their performance of self-point of view. This is a powerful way to give employees the opportunity to speak throughout the performance appraisal process. Sometimes, managers worry about the value of self-assessment, that employees will simply give their praise and higher ratings in order to try to raise their actual rating. Experience has shown that the opposite trend is real, and when we evaluate ourselves, we tend to be more severe than others.

Third, the manager's personal view of the employee, self-assessment is a very valuable way for the company to get more information about employee performance. It can also help managers stay ready to deal with differences in opinion or opinion and gain insight into employee expectations.

So that the objectives of the staff consistent with the company's goals

The importance of creating a SMART (concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goal is to associate the employee's goals with higher-level organizational goals, and you create for employees' This is a very important "context." This helps employees understand why their work is important and how their work contributes to the success of the organization as a whole.

Practice has proved that the goal of the staff with a higher level of departmental goals, the objectives of the branch and the goal of the entire enterprise linked to create a personal goal and organizational goals consistent with the "big environment" for the development of staff performance is crucial Important, but also allow employees to feel that their work is very important.