1. 首頁
  2. 職業/專業/職能



easy to get along with 容易與人相處meet and make new friends 結交新朋友pay offer 工資待遇working / o

working / office time 工作時間

full scope to show one s ability 充分發揮個人能力

TA(teaching assistant) 助教

sales / marketing manager 銷售經理

stack of papers 成堆的檔案

further talk 進一步談判

immediate boss 頂頭上司

count the days until retirement 退休倒計時

night shift 夜班

unemployment 失業

dismissal 開除,解僱

overtime / extra hours 加班

bring her capability into fuller play 充分發揮她的能力

invisible train platforms 隱形火車月臺

spoil my excitement 毀掉我的`(創作)激情

best-selling novels 暢銷小說

come up with the names 起名字

pop out of her childhood dreams 從她童年的夢中找到靈感

Advertising section 廣告部

an impressive reputation 聲譽不錯