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Who are fashion’s most successful husband and wife team?


Would you perhaps hazard a guess at print specialists Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto of Eley Kishimoto? Or maybe you’d go for Inacio Ribeiro and Suzanne Clements of Clements Ribiero?


Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer can only be Patrizio Bertelli and Miuccia Prada. Yes, the owners of a global fashion conglomerate with $2.4 billion in sales are a very special couple indeed, as a recent interview in the Wall Street Journal revealed. But while Prada is one of the most influential designers in the world, it seems the real force behind the business is her husband Bertelli.

很遺憾,這些答案都不對。正確的答案只能是帕特里齊奧·貝特利和繆西婭·普拉達。沒錯,這對夫婦就是年銷售收入為24 億美元的全球時裝聯合大企業(普拉達時裝公司)的掌門人,他們的確非常特別,就像最近他們接受採訪時所展示的那樣。不過,雖然普拉達是世界上最有影響力的設計師之一,但她的丈夫貝特利似乎才是生意背後的真正決策人。

Creative genius though she may be, it seems Miuccia Prada would be ill-advised to get on the wrong side of her husband: when overseeing the decor of a new Miu Miu store in 1997, he had a bit of a problem with a mirror. But while your average business mogul1 might just have demanded a refund from the manufacturer, not Bertelli. Oh no. He smashed it. “It made people look too fat,” he said of the incident. And could there possibly be a worse fashion crime than that? His ire is not just reserved for unflattering mirrors though – he famously broke the rear lights of several cars parked in the wrong spaces of Prada’s carpark. “I enjoyed that,” he remarked afterwards. Quite.

儘管繆西婭·普拉達是一個具有創造力的天才,但她似乎總是欠考慮,惹丈夫生氣:1997 年在視察一家繆繆(普拉達的少女副線品牌)新店的裝潢時,貝特利不太滿意一面鏡子。一般的商業大亨可能會要求製造商退款,但貝特利沒有。噢,不會吧,他將鏡子砸碎了。 “這個鏡子照得人太胖了。”他這樣描述他的舉動。還有比那個更糟的時尚犯罪嗎?他的憤怒不只是針對不能將人照得美的鏡子——他還因砸壞了許多在普拉達停車場停錯車位的車的'尾燈而“聲名遠揚”。“我喜歡那樣做,”他後來談道。他確實非常喜歡。

Getting the impression he might quite like letting loose now and then? Yes, us too. Prada, though, seems to have taken those incidents in her stride: “I always tell Bertelli: You like this reputation, or you’d change it,” she says, while Bertelli maintains that his anger is only triggered by things that are banal, or for people who just don’t cut it. “My behavior is always correct, and I always try to motivate people,” he said.

你是不是感覺他有時非常喜歡發洩?沒錯,我們不是也喜歡發洩嘛。不過普拉達似乎都能坦然應對那些事情: “我一直都這樣跟貝特利說:要麼你喜歡這個名聲,要麼你就得改掉這毛病,” 她說,儘管貝特利堅持說自己只在遇到毫無新意的東西或那些不懂得將這些乏味之物除掉的人時才發火。“我的行為舉止一直都很得體,我總是試著激發人們的上進心,”他說。

So there you go fashion fans. Please ensure that, should you meet the power pair, your mirrors are suitably flattering, your cars are correctly parked and your conversation is not banal.
