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1. A Brief Comment on Shakespeare’s’ The Merchant of Venice (淺談莎士比亞的《威尼斯商人》)

2. Hamlet: His Characters as a Humanist(哈姆雷特人物性格分析)

3. Parallelism and Contrast of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language(莎士比亞戲劇的排比與對照用語)

4. The Social Significance of Dickens’s Oliver Twist(狄更斯《霧都孤兒》的社會意義)

5. On the Structure of Dickens’s Hard Times(談狄更斯《艱難時世》的結構)

6. Jane Austen’s Art of Irony and Its Rhetoric Effects(簡·奧斯丁的反語及其修辭效果)

7. Appreciation of Literary Language of Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢與偏見》文學語言欣賞)

8. An Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma(《愛瑪》女主人公性格分析)

9. The High Class as Seen in Thacheray’s Vanity Fair(從《名利場》看上流社會)

10. From Pastoral Stories to Great Tragic Novels : An Analysis of Hardy’s Novels(哈代小說--------從田園故事到偉大的悲劇小說)

11. Tess : A Rebellious Woman(叛逆者苔絲)

12. Remarks on D.H.Lawrence’s Psychological Analyses(淺析勞倫斯的心理分析描寫)

13. Social Reality as Reflected in the Poetry of William Blake(布萊克詩中反映的社會現實)

14. Edgar Allan Poe and the World Literature(愛倫· 坡與世界文學)

15. An Analysis of the Heroine of The Scarlet Letter(淺談《紅字》的女主人公)

16. Symbolism in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter(《紅字》的象徵手法)

17. Mark Twain: A Humorist(馬克·吐溫-------一位幽默大師)

18. The Tragic Color of Ernest Hemingway’s Novels(海明威小說的悲劇色彩)

19. Social Significance as Reflected in The Great Gatsby(《了不起的蓋茨比》所反映的社會意義)

20. O. Henry’s Artistic Animation as Seen in His Short Stories(歐·亨利短篇小說的藝術手法)

21. A Critical Study of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily: Its Narrative Techniques and Structure(福克納《獻給艾米莉的一支玫瑰》的敘事技巧與結構)

22. Some Features of Steinbeck’s Literary Style(斯坦貝柯文學風格的幾個特點)

23. Emily Dickinson and Her Unique Poetry(艾米莉·迪金森與她獨特的詩歌)

24. An Analysis of Several Robert Frost’s Famous Poems(淺談佛洛斯特的幾首著名詩歌)

25. Symbolism in O’Neill’s Major Plays(奧尼爾主要劇作的象徵主義藝術)

26. The Modern American Society and The Death of the Salesman(《推銷員之死》與現代美國社會)

27. A Comparative Study of Empathy in English and Chinese Poetry(英漢詩歌裡的移情比較研究)

28. A Comparative Analysis of Sentence Structures in English and Chinese Poetry(英漢詩歌句子結構比較分析)


1. Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages(英語和漢語中的性別歧視)

2. Lexical Items as Means of Cohesion in English Texts(英語語篇中的詞彙銜接手段)

3. Lexical Cohesion in English(英語詞語的接應關係)

4. On English Oration as a Variety of Language(論英語演說詞 )

5. The Polite Language in the English Language 英語中的禮貌用語)

6. Reflection on the English Taboo Words(談英語的禁忌語)

7. Remarks on Modern American Slang(略論現代美國俚語)

8. The Different Usage of American Folk Language and Modern American Language( 美國俗語與美國現代語言的區別)

9. A Comparative Analysis of British and American English(英式英語與美式英語比較)

10. An Account of Advertising Language (廣告用語一瞥)

11. Stylistic Comparison Between Broadcast News and Newspaper News(英語廣播新聞與報紙新聞文體比較)

12. News Headlines: Their Features and Style(英語新聞標題的特色與文體風格)

13. Stylistic Features of News Reporting(英語新聞報道的文體風格)

14. A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Languages(中英手勢語比較)

15. Influences of Chinese Dialectic Accents over English Pronunciation(漢語方言對英語發音的影響)

16. A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Intonation(英漢語調比較分析)

17. 淺析英美語調的結構和功能

18. 英美標調符號系統分析和對比

19. 談英語語調的特點及其用途

20. 英語讀音的弱式與速度和節奏的關係

21. 母語/方言對英語語音學習的影響

22. Note on Ambiguity of English Language(論英語中的歧義)

23. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs(英語諺語與漢語諺語比較)

24. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms(英語習語與漢語習語比較)

25. Cursory Examination on English Onomatopoeia(英語擬聲詞淺論)

26. On Commonization of Proper Nouns in English(論英語專有名詞普通化)

27. Noun-Verb Conversion in Contemporary English(現代英語中名詞轉化成動詞的現象)

28. Syntactic Functions of Prepositional Phrases(前置詞短語的句法功能)

29. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions(英漢介詞比較)

30. On the English Verbal Fillers(談英語與填空詞)

31. On the English Negative Sentences(論英語否定句)

32. On the English Verbless Sentences(談英語無動詞句)

33. On Simplification of English Sentences(談英語句子的簡化)

34. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Existential Sentences(英漢存在句比較)

35. Positions of Attributes and Adverbials in English and Chinese: A Comparative Study(英漢定語和狀語的位置比較)

36. Studies in English Sentences of Implied Condition(英語的.含蓄條件句)

37. Tentative Study of Syllepsis in English(英語拈連法淺析)

38. The Way of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English(英語中表達強調意義的語言手段)

39. On the Revival of Dead Metaphor(死喻的復活)

40. Tendency of Modern Linguistics(現代語言的發展趨勢)


1. The Great Translator Yan Fu(偉大的翻譯家嚴復)

2. Gu Hongming: A Pioneer of Translating the Chinese Classics into English(漢英翻譯的先驅-------辜鴻銘)

3. On the Principles of Equivalence in Literary Translation(論文學翻譯中的等值原則)

4. A Brief Comment on E. A. Nida’s Concept of Translation(淺談奈達的翻譯觀)

5. Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability(文化差異與不可預性)

6. Translating and the Background Information(翻譯與背景知識)

7. A Preliminary Study of Explanatory Translating(解釋性翻譯初探)

8. Translating the English Articles into Chinese(英語冠詞漢譯)

9. Translating the English Plural Nouns into Chinese(英語複數名詞漢譯)

10. Translating the Lengthy English Sentences into Chinese(英語長句漢譯)

11. On Translating English Book Titles into Chinese(談英語書名漢譯)

12. A Brief Comment on the Several Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre(簡評《簡·愛》的幾種漢譯本)

13. Views on the Chinese Version of Emma(關於漢譯本《愛瑪》的幾點看法)

14. The Chinese Version of Jude the Obscure: An Outstanding Example of Artistic Recreation(藝術再創造的範例------《無名的裘德》漢譯本)

15. Translating the Style of Literary Works----A Preliminary Study of Wu Ningkun’s Version of The Great Gatsby(文學作品的風格翻譯------巫寧坤譯《了不起的蓋茨比》初探)

16. A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of The Merchant of Venice( 《威尼斯商人》兩種譯本比較)

17. A Reading of Fang Zhong’s Translation of The Canterbury Tales(讀方重譯《坎特伯雷故事集》)

18. On the English Versions of Some of Du Fu’s Poems(評杜甫詩歌英譯)

19. Translating the Titles of Chinese Classic Poetry(中國古典詩歌標題英譯)

20. Common Errors in Translation: An Analysis(常見翻譯錯誤分析)

21. English Idioms and the Translation(英語習語的解釋)

22. How to Deal with Ellipsis in Translating(翻譯中如何處理省略用法)

23. The Importance of Comprehension in Translating(理解對於翻譯的重要性)

24. The Importance of Knowledge in Translating(知識對於翻譯的重要性)


1. The Application of Phonological/Syntactic/Semantic Theory to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(音位詞/句法學/語音學理論在中國中學教學中的應用)

2. The Application of Traditional/Structural/Transformational Linguistics to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(傳統語言學/結構語言學/轉換語言學在中國中學英語教學中的應用)

3. The Application of Theory of Behaviorism/ Cognitive Psychology to ELT in Chinese Middle Schools(行為主義/認知心理學理論在中國中學教學法中的應用)

4. The Application of the Theory of Pragmatics/Discourse Analysis(語用學/話語分析理論應用)

5. Teaching Grammar within a Communicative Framework(用交際法教語法)

6. A Study on the Direct-Spelling Method(直接拼寫法研究)

7. 男女英語學習差異的研究

8. 英語教學測試與素質教育

9. 現行高校英語測試中的問題分析

10. 外語最佳化實踐教學模式的實驗研究

11. 大、中、小學英語銜接教學實驗研究

12. 互動、知會、情感三維模式實驗研究

13. 英能“板塊、分層、合作”教學模式研究

14. “多維組合”英語教學法探索研究

15. 小學“雙語”同步教改實驗

16. 張思中外語教學法的試驗與推廣研究

17. 從一份問卷調查展望新世紀大學(中學、小學、幼兒園)英語教學

18. 漢語語言環境對學生英語學習過程的影響

19. 大學生(中學生、)英語學習動機調查報告