It's very important on Valentine's Day toacknowledgeyour partner and honor your relationship. For those who aren't able or fond of spending lots of money on gifts however, try one (or all!) of these Valentine's Day ideas to say I love you.情人節是向伴侶表達愛意、加強感情的佳節。誰說情人節一定要奢華,以下就是一些過情人節經濟又浪漫的方式,快嘗試一下吧!
1.Purchase some clear red balloons. Before blowing them up, place either wrapped candies, small gifts, and/or love poems inside each one, and then give them to your loved one as a bouquet.買一些大紅色的氣球。在吹氣球之前,你也可以在桌上擺放一些糖果,小禮物,還可以在氣球裡塞上一些愛情詩,然後把整個氣球束送給你深愛的她。
2.Make a meal only out of heart-shaped items, foods that are red, or both. Try red velvet cake, valentini martini, fruit and cheese salad or a heart shaped cake.製作帶心形圖案的餐點,最好選用紅色的.食材,紅色的心形餐點尤佳。可以嘗試紅絲絨蛋糕、馬丁尼酒,水果,芝士沙律或是心形的蛋糕。
3.Knit a scarf.織一條圍巾。
4.Write a love letter to say I love you.寫一封情書,告訴他(她):我愛你。
5.reate handmade coupons with gifts your partner can use anytime, such as a massage or a night out on the town with friends.給伴侶特製的、沒有使用期限的優惠券,比如:按摩券、和朋友外出聚會券。
6.Does your partner ever ask you why you love them? Then create your own little booklet using dollar store items just for them entitled, "Why I Love You: # Reasons".如果你的伴侶問過你:為什麼愛他(她)?那你可以製作一本小冊子,列下你愛他(她)的原因。
7.Make a mixed CD of all of your favorite songs, or create a compilation of love songs that remind you of your mate. Better yet, learn how to play one of these love songs on the guitar and serenade him or her on Valentine's Day.製作一張集合了所有你喜愛的歌曲的CD或是製作一張合輯,上面的每一首歌都能讓你想念你的另一半。更浪漫的做法是學習邊彈邊唱這些愛情歌曲,然後在情人節表演給你的伴侶。
8.Learn how to take erotic photos of each other with a digital camera.學會用相機記錄對方性感的一面。
9.Make your own fortune cookies to take along to a Chinese food restaurant for dinner, and use them to woo your date on Valentine's Day.自制幸運餅乾,等到情人節,和伴侶在中國餐館吃晚飯的時候,拿出來送給他(她)。
10.Grab some construction paper and cut out as many hearts as you like. On each one, share a story about your relationship that shows how much you care. Once finished, take the hearts and string them individually from the ceiling so it looks like your home is raining love.用一些彩色美術紙,剪下心形圖案,在每一張卡紙上記錄下你很感動在意的你們倆的故事。待寫完了這些卡片,可以將這些心形卡紙串聯起來,掛在天花板上,這樣整個房間就像在下一場愛情雨。