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  2. 考試




第二部分 綜合能力


同學們已經學習積累了不少詞彙. 現在請你按要求把下面的單詞分類.

pencil, sweater, your, chair, under, cousin, soccer, fun, boring,

relaxing, aunt, basketball, her, his, notebook, eraser, eggs, fruit,

sofa, shorts, volleyball, interesting, pen, socks, parents, bed

衣物:____________ 、____________ 、____________

傢俱: ____________ 、____________ 、____________

描述性詞彙:____________ 、____________ 、____________

運動: ____________________________________

key: 1. egg, apple 2. sweater, shoes, pants 3. play basketball, go to a movie 4. sing, dance, play the piano



1. how, these , pants, are, much,


2. is, Helen’s, when, birthday,


3. color, what, it, is,





4. you, do, want, a, to, movie, to, go


5. I, thrillers, scary, are, think


6. favorite, science, my, is, subject,


7. she, can, English, speak,


8. kind, like, of, you, movies, what, do,


9. club, what, do, join, you, want, to,


10. time, does, what, she, eat, breakfast,



1. 咱們打網球吧。

Let’s______ ________.

2. 早飯我喜歡吃雞蛋。I like _______ for ________.

3.聽起來很有趣。That _______ ________.

4.八月是一年中的第八個月。_______ is the _______ month of the year.

5.我喜歡喜劇片,我也喜歡京劇。I like _______ and I ______ like Beijing Opera.

6. 你會彈吉他嗎?Can you ______ ______ _______?

7. 我想加入音樂俱樂部。I want to join _____ _______ ________.

8. 凱特八點鐘到達學校。Kate ______ ______ school at 8:00.

9. 早晨他總是很忙。He is always ______ in the morning.

10. 她最喜歡的學科是科學。Her _______ _______ is science.

11. 我們星期三有體育課。We have P.E. ______ ________.

12. 他能講英語也能講一點法語。He can _______ English and ______ ________ French.

13. 我不喜歡物理, 物理太難了。I ______ ______ physics. It’s ______ ________.

Keys:1. play baseball 2. eggs, breakfast 3. sounds interesting 4. August, 8th/eighth

5. comedies, also 6. play the guitar 7. the music club. 8. gets to 9. busy 10. favorite subject

11. on Wedne