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That strange, gut-wrenching feeling you have is not the sushi you had for lunch. It's your soul trying to give you a nudge to do something. A word for that feeling is "discontent."Discontent is a state of not being satisfied or fulfilled in your current situation.


Of course, this same feeling can apply to a hundred different situations, from a work-related issue to a personal issue at home. But, the resulting meaning is still the same: "make a change."Some people listen to that feeling and change their life in such a way as to eliminate that feeling. However, some people that fall into discontent, but tend to remain in that situation as they find it a place of "same-ness"and "safety."

當然,同樣的`感覺也能出現在各種情況下,從工作事情到家庭個人問題。但是,引出的含義都一樣:“要做出改變”。 對有些傾聽這種感覺的人們來說,他們是去改變生活來消除這種感覺。然而,對另一些不滿的人來說,他們往往依然呆在其中,因為他們感覺“一樣”和“安全”。