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  2. 祝福





【1】Chritsmas time is for thinking of others. 聖誕佳節是思念大家的時刻。

【2】Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas. 祝福您及您的家人聖誕快樂。

【3】A merry Chistmas from all of your students. 祝您聖誕快樂,您的全體學生敬上。

【4】Well be here after the new year. 新年過後,我們會再回來。

【5】We wont forget you this holiday season. 放假的時候,我們不會忘記您的。

【6】Christmas is a time for gladness and rejoicing ...because there is no class. 聖誕節是歡喜和快樂的時光,因為不用上課。

【7】May happiness follow you everywhere ...just like we do. 願快樂隨時與您同在,就如同我們與您寸步不離一般。

【8】Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 聖誕快樂,恭賀新禧!

【9】Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year. 在聖誕和新年來臨之際,祝福你平安、快樂、幸福!

【10】Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year! 致以熱烈的祝賀和良好的祝福,聖誕快樂,新年快樂。

【11】Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season. 美麗的聖誕節之際,謹致我的思念與祝福。

【12】It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. 聖誕節轉眼又到,又該迎接新的一年了。我們向你及你的 親人們致以最美好的聖誕祝福,願你在新的一年裡事業興旺,幸福美滿!

【13】May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you. 願你聖誕和新年幸福無盡。

【14】A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year. 始終思念你,捎來聖誕佳節最美好的祝福,祝聖誕吉祥,新年如意。

【15】With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you. 在這輝煌快樂的聖誕佳節,獻上一切美好的祝福!祝一切順心如意!

【16】Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success. 祝聖誕快樂,新年充滿幸福和成功。

【17】A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. 聖誕快樂,新年好!

【18】Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 願您在新的一年裡充滿快樂。

【19】Its really a shame we cant be together at Christmas ...you must be jumping for joy! 我們不能在一起過聖誕節真是太可惜了……您一定樂得跳起來了!

【20】Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long. 聖誕之際,祝你心中有首快樂的歌,新年快樂!



The bright lights on the Christmas tree are my prayers for your safe life.


May the Christmas candle, open a touch your heart with gladness and make your New Year a more beautiful future。


My every heartbeat miss you once, until my life stop, heart no longer beating! I love you! Merry Christmas!


Good romantic Christmas Eve, good warm Christmas, your Christmas may not be the most beautiful, but it is the happiest, Merry Christmas.


Christmas, see the fireworks brilliant, dazzling your enthusiasm, I wish you a happy journey, happy life!


I have a wish: Christmas Eve! I hope to have you by my side! Dinner together with me!


Would you like to be my Father Christmas this year, in the night of Christmas will Psent on my bed.


Snowflakes in the sky is dancing notes, which are set to music, hope of played by blessings, brings you a happy New Year!


At Christmas, I wish you every success in your work, a happy family, good health and happiness.


May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.


Send you sincere wishes. Good luck will always take care of you. May you be safe and happy all your life.


Days flow from fingers to fingers, snowflakes fall with the bell, the Christmas bell rings gradually, and warm wishes are conveyed to each other.


Do you know where Santa Claus? Last year he took away my socks! You also need to be careful!


Christmas happy Christmas, Christmas gift today. Luck and family happy Christmas to you and reunion.


Merry Christmas, my dear friend. Best wishes for you and your loved ones best wishes for the New Year.


1. 一起走過的日子,總是充滿了浪漫。親愛的,聖誕快樂!

Walk through together day, always full of romance. Dear, merry Christmas!

2. 願你過個最愉快的聖誕節。

May you have a most happy Christmas.

3. 在此佳節,祝你全家聖誕快樂。

In this festival, wish you and yours a merry Christmas.

4. 祝你在新的一年裡健康,快樂。

Wish you healthy in the New Year, happy.

5. 聖誕節一年只有一次,但每次來臨都帶來喜悅。

Christmas comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.

6. 在此聖誕節和未來的每個聖誕節裡,你都是我唯一的愛!

On this Christmas and for many Christmas, you are my only love!

7. 鈴兒響叮鐺,好運一大框,聖誕老人送平安,幸福走四方。

Jingle bells ding dang, good luck a big box, Santa to send peace, happiness away.

8. 聖誕之夜祝福你,願聖誕節的歡聲笑語和歡樂氣氛永遠縈繞著你!

Christmas Eve bless you, and there would be laughter and joy of Christmas atmosphere around you forever!

9. 聖誕之際,祝你心中有首快樂的歌,新年快樂!

Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long!

10. 您的平安是我的願望,您的真心是我的幸福,而我給您的禮物是我一生的祝福!節日快樂。

Your peace is my desire, your heart is my happiness, and my gift to you is the blessing of my life! A happy holiday。

11. 聽,聖誕老人的鈴聲,快去看看啊,怎麼這麼快就回來了,什麼,倒垃圾的,別太急哦!

Listen, Santas ringing, go and take a look at ah, how to come back so soon, what, taking out the trash, dont worry!

12. 給你特別的祝福,願聖誕和新年帶給你無邊的幸福、如意。

Give you a special blessing to Christmas and New Year bring you endless happiness.

13. 有了你,我的一生才精彩!謝謝你!我的老師!祝您聖誕快樂!

Have you, my life was wonderful! Thank you very much. My teacher! I wish you a merry Christmas!

14. 聖誕小賀卡捎去我溫暖如春的問候,祝您擁有幸福甜美的新年。

Christmas greeting to my warm greetings, wish you have a happy sweet New Year.

15. 我期待著新年過後,再上您的課。

I look forward to after the New Year, your class.


1. 獻上令你開心的聖誕祝福,我的好友。

A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.

2. 值此聖誕佳節,獻上我對你所有的愛。

On this Christmas, give all my love to you.

3. 祝聖誕平安,新年中有意想不到的收穫!

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises.

4. 今年我們要在王平家過聖誕,歡迎你也來!

We will be having Christmas at wang pings this year. You are welcome to join us!

5. 在這24號的晚上,煮兩個雞蛋,我吃一個,送給你的就是一個聖誕,祝你節日快樂!

On the evening of the 24th,cook two eggs,I eat one,for you is a Christmas,I wish you a happy holiday!

6. 你的平安是我的願望,你的真心是我的幸福,而我給你的禮物是我一生的祝福!聖誕節快樂!

Your peace is my desire,your heart is my happiness,and my gift to you is the blessing of my life! Merry Christmas!

7. 願聖誕的.燭光帶給你祥和與喜悅,祝你的聖誕和新年充滿愛。

May the Christmas candle bring you peace and joy, wish your Christmas and New Year filled with love.

8. 在這聖潔的節日,給我的至愛送上一句簡單的祝福:聖誕快樂!

In this holy festival, give my beloved on a simple wish: merry Christmas!

9. 願聖誕之光普照你的每一個日子,願陽光鮮花灑滿你的人生旅程!

May the Christmas light shines on you every day, may the sun flower asperses full your life journey!

10. 這是我發給你的三天後的資訊,別偷看哦,叫你別看,還看,祝你聖誕快樂!

This is information I sent to you three days later, dont peep oh, call you dont look, look, also wish you a merry Christmas!

11. 敬祝聖誕,恭賀新喜。

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

12. 你怎麼才起啊,快睜大眼睛,昨天夜裡我爬上你的床,在你枕頭下藏了一件很特別的禮物哦!

How do you to begin,quick zheng big eyes,last night I climb on your bed,hide under your pillow with a very special gift!

13. 每一朵雪花飄下,每一個煙火燃起,每一秒時間流動,每一份思念傳送。都代表著我想要送你的每一個祝福!

Each snowflakes float,each is burning fireworks,every second time flow,each esents I want to send you a blessing!

14. 聖誕樹上耀眼的彩燈,那是我祈禱你平安一生,聖誕夜裡優揚的鐘聲,那是我祝福你快樂一生.

Bright lights on the Christmas tree,that was,I pray you peace life optimal Yang on the night of Christmas bell,that is my wish you a happy life.

15. 這個迷人的聖誕,你躲在家裡生蛋蛋,生了一堆恐龍蛋,還有一隻小雞蛋。豬,生蛋快樂!

This charming Christmas,you hide in the home have balls,gave birth to a pile of dinosaur eggs,and a little ,raw egg is happy!


1. 相識繫於緣,相知繫於誠,一個真正的朋友不論在身何處,總時時付出關和愛,願好友聖誕平安!

Department Yu Cheng met in edge,the bosom friend,a true friend no matter where,always always pay off and love,peace to friends Christmas!

2. 親愛的,儘管我不能陪你度過我們的第一個聖誕節,但是我還要送給你我深深的祝福,願你明天更美麗.

Dear,although I cant be with you through our first Christmas,but I will send to you my deep blessing,wish you more beautiful tomorrow.

3. 平安之夜的使者,向你報一聲平安,讓美麗和幸福伴您渡過今生今世。

Night the angel of peace, to offer a safe, let beauty and happiness accompany you through this life。

4. 你的聲音,你的微笑,是聖誕老人送給我的最好禮物,願意打個電話給我嗎?

Your voice, your smile, is that Santa Claus gave me the best gift, would you like to give me a call?

5. 聖誕的鐘聲在你我耳邊敲響,願你在這個特別的時候開心快樂,永遠幸福!

Christmas bells rang in my ear you, wish you happy in this special time, happiness forever!

6. 聖誕節到了,願你全家平安幸福美滿,健康快樂年年!

Christmas is coming. Wish your family peace, happiness, health and happiness every year!

7. 聖誕節,鈴鐺響,送個蘋果開心一夜。

At Christmas, the bell rings and an apple is sent for a happy night.

8. 聖誕鐘聲敲響那一刻,吉祥,幸福,一切歸你,注意簽收!

When the Christmas bell rings, auspicious, happy, everything belongs to you, pay attention to signing!

9. 不管你做什麼,盡你所能,主會佑你成功。祝你聖誕快樂,快樂永隨。

No matter what you do, do what you can, and the Lord will bless you success. Wish you a merry Christmas and happy with forever.

10. 祝福您及您的家人聖誕快樂。

Best wishes for you and your family a very merry Christmas.

11. 有你在的每一天都像在過聖誕節。

Have you in every day like in Christmas.

12. 值此歡樂佳節,獻給我的心上人。

On this joyous Christmas for my sweetheart.

13. 願你擁有聖誕節所有美好的祝福。

Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas.

14. 你是我所收到的最好的聖誕禮物。

Youre the best Christmas present I ever received.

15. 新的一年,向你獻上最誠摯的祝福。

The New Year, offer best wishes to you.