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白色情人節 記你的我的初戀

白色情人節 記你的我的初戀

Some say the first love is filled with rainbows and stars, hearts and bliss. While others say the first love reminds them of tears and lies, broken hearts and worst anniversaries. What was your first love like? Here, some of our friends would like to share their first love stories with us.


他是我的`初戀,現在是我的準老公。To me, first love can be true love.


初戀啊,我喜歡的那個人,我一直躲著他,不敢面對。一看到他就緊張,連話也說不清楚了,只好躲的遠遠的。到現在他可能還因為我當初是討厭他的吧。First love is my secret.


Hurt so bad!



If I were a boy I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl.



All the things that I know about you now, is only the weather broadcast. (Anthony)


