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Love is a moment that lasts forever...

I was just thinking of you.

The Moon Sees Me Missing You

Youre everything to me.

Lets make this weekend a great one.

Things just arent quite as fun without you.

Real love stories never have endings.

Ill always call you SWEETHEART, because youll always be the dearest, most important person in the entire world to me.

You mean so much and I need you so, your love gives me the greatest joy Ill ever know. Ill take a lifetime to show how much I love you.

Every lookevery kissevery touch I fall in love with you all over again.

The things you do, the joy you bring, the loveliness you show just make you special and such a joy to know!

I can be myself when I am with you.


You and me together, we can make magic.


Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.


Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive.


Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat.


Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy the day!


You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine’s Day, Honey!



1.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我愛你,不是因為你是一個怎樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一起時的感覺。

2.ust because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. 愛你的人如果沒有按你所希望的方式來愛你,那並不代表他們沒有全心全意地愛你。

3.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry. 沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這麼做的人不會讓你哭泣。

4.True love’s the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven. 真愛是上帝單獨賜予普天下芸芸眾生的禮物。

5.Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, some man fall in love with your smile. 永遠都不要停止微笑,即使在你難過的時候,說不定有人會因為你的微笑而愛上你。

6.Love triumphs over everthing. Love has no age, no limit and no death. 愛情戰勝一切。愛情沒有壽命,沒有極限,不會死亡。

7.Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到夢中人之前,上天也許會安排我們先遇到別的人;在我們終於遇見心儀的人時,便應當心存感激。

8.Love is a chord in life, not a solo. 愛是人生的和絃,而不是孤獨的獨奏曲。

9.Every man is a poet when he is in love.每個戀愛中的人都是詩人。

10.To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. 愛人和被人愛是人生最大的幸福。


1. you and me together, we can make magic.我們兩個一起可以創造奇蹟。

2. i can be myself when i am with you.和你在一起的時候我才是真正的自己。

3. you always say what i need to hear.你的話總是那麼悅耳動聽。

4. your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.你的愛讓我相信我們的未來會更好。

5. youre the one who holds the key to my heart.只有你,握著開啟我心門的鑰匙。

6. you have taught me the true meaning of love. love is, what you mean to me - and you mean everything.你教會了我愛的.意義。愛就是你在我心中的分量——而你,就是一切。

7. i have had the time of my life and i owe it all to you.我生命中的美好時光全都歸功於你。

8. your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive.你永恆的信任讓我們的愛火永不熄滅。

9. you are my theme for a dream.你是我夢的主旋律。

10. every time i look at you, my heart misses a beat.每次看著你,我的心都會漏跳一拍。

11.天下有情人終成眷屬may i wish that all jacks shall have jills, all shall be well.

12.我想在情人節緊握你的手。親愛的,情人節快樂。i want to hold your hand on valentine’s day. happy valentine’s day, sweetie.

13.情人節快樂:happy valentines day!!

14.希望你的心上人早日出現。wish your mr.right/miss right will appear soon.

15.祝你們朝朝暮暮,纏纏綿綿到永久。may you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time.

16.我倆的愛,一年比一年更堅定。親愛的,情人節快樂。our love grows stronger with every passing year. happy valentine’s day, sweetie.

17.願我倆的愛情永遠不變!:may our love will last forever.

18.願你們一起分享生命中的每一天,直到永遠。may you two share every day of life together till forever.

19.一如既往的我,願情人節快樂!as always ,i hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!

20.你是我生命的全部。請說你願意。情人節快樂,我親愛的。you mean everything to me. please say yes.happy valentine’s day, honey!