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With the development of science and technology and the intelligence of human brain, some strange advertising words also stand out。


Walking on the street that day, my brother and I couldn't help salivating over the strange snacks。 On the barbecue stand, smelling the delicious smell of the barbecue, I couldn't help but take out the money to buy two strings and devour them。 I borrowed a tissue from my boss to wipe my mouth。 I saw an advertisement saying "one paper, one thousand towels" written on the tissue box。 The younger brother asked, "what's a thousand paper towels?" I told him。 "A thousand paper towels" is an advertisement for the sales of paper towels, as well as a silent mosquito free and mosquito repellent incense advertisement。 It really should be unknown, describing that a person always does good things for people in private。 And stomach。 How are you。 This is the advertisement of stomach medicine。 Is it really for you? It's a kind of greeting。