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【公司面試題之:51.COM pHp筆試題】 2008-10-7 上海51.COM公司pHp筆試題1. 禁用COOKIE 後 SEESION 還能用嗎? 2. 抓取遠端圖片到本地,你會用什麼函式?

3. 已知姓名A,姓名B,給一個求他們緣份的演算法

4. 你覺得在pV10W的時候, 同等配置下,LUNIX 比WIN快多少?

5. 簡述pOST 和GET傳輸的最大容量分別是多少?

6. 用最少的程式碼寫一個求3值最大值的函式.


1. 能

2 fsockopen

3 隨意

4 10倍?

5 1024B, 2MB

6 function($a,$b,$c){

return $a>$b? ($a>$c? $a : $c) : ($b>$c? $b : $c );


1. 禁用COOKIE 後 SEESION 還能用嗎?


2. 抓取遠端圖片到本地,你會用什麼函式?

socket & file

3. 已知姓名A,姓名B,給一個求他們緣份的演算法


4. 你覺得在pV10W的時候, 同等配置下,LUNIX 比WIN快多少?


5. 簡述pOST 和GET傳輸的最大容量分別是多少?

pOST, pHp.ini中的檔案中預設是2M,所以大於2M,GET沒門, TCp中是C++的DWord,所以,小於1024B

6. 用最少的程式碼寫一個求3值最大值的函式.

function max3($a,$b,$c){

return ($a>$b)?(($a>$c)? $a : $c): (($b>$c)? $b: $c);



1. 請對pOSIX風格和相容perl風格兩種正則表示式的主要函式進行類比說明

ereg preg_match

ereg_replace preg_replace

2. 請說明在php.ini中safe_mode開啟之後對於pHp系統函式的影響

3. pHp5中魔術方法函式有哪幾個www.zhenqianqipai.net,請舉例說明各自的用法


















4. 請寫出讓,並說明如何在命令列下執行pHp指令碼(寫出兩種方式)同時向pHp指令碼傳遞引數?

5. pHp的垃圾收集機制是怎樣的




8. 用pHp實現一個雙向佇列

9. 使用正則表示式提取一段標識語言(html或xml)程式碼段中指定標籤的指定屬性值(需考慮屬性值對不規則的情況,如大小寫不敏感,屬性名值與等號間有空格等)。此處假設需提取test標籤的attr屬性值,請自行構建包含該標籤的串

10.請使用socket相關函式(非curl)實現如下功能:構造一個post請求,傳送到指定http server的指定埠的指定請求路徑(如http://example:8080/test)。請求中包含以下變數:



個人簡介(intro):Hello world!

且該http server需要以下cookie來進行簡單的`使用者動作跟蹤:




設定超時為10秒,發出請求後,將http server的響應內容輸出。複製內容到剪貼簿程式碼:Function encode($data, $sep = ‘&’){

while (list($k,$v) = each($data)) {

$encoded .= ($encoded ? “$sep” : “”);

$encoded .= rawurlencode($k).”=”.rawurlencode($v);


Return $encoded;


Function post($url, $post, $cookie){

$url = parse_url($url);

$post = encode($data, ‘&’);

$cookie = encode($cookieArray, ‘;’);

$fp = fsockopen($url[\host\], $url[\port\] ? $url[\port\] : 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);

if (!$fp) return “Failed to open socket to $url[host]“;

fputs($fp, sprintf(“pOST %s%s%s HTTp/1.0\\n”, $url[\path\], $url[\query\] ? “?” : “”, $url[\query\]));

fputs($fp, “Host: $url[host]\\n”);

fputs($fp, “Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\\n”);

fputs($fp, “Content-length: ” . strlen($encoded) . “\\n”);

fputs($fp, “Cookie: $cookie\\n\\n”);

fputs($fp, “Connection: close\\n\\n”);

fputs($fp, “$post \\n”);

while (!feof($fp)) {

echo fgets($fp, 128);




$url = ‘http://example:8080/test’;

$encoded = username=溫柔一刀& pwd=

$post = array(

‘username’=> ‘溫柔一刀’,

‘pwd => ‘&123=321&321=123&’,

‘intro => ‘Hello world!’


$cookie = array(

‘cur_query’ => ‘you&me,

‘last_tm’ => time() 600,

‘cur_tm ‘=> time()


post($url, $post, $cookie);



2.資料庫查詢,mysql使用EXpLAIN分析查詢,啟用slow query log記錄慢查詢。

pHp LAMp Engineer Test paper

Question 1

What does print out?

A) 3

B) False

C) Null

D) 1

E) 0

Question 2

Which of the following snippets prints a representation of 42 with two decimal places?

A) printf(“%.2d\\n”, 42);

B) printf(“%1.2f\\n”, 42);

C) printf(“%1.2u\\n”, 42);

Question 3


$text = ‘Content-Type: text/xml’;

Which of the following prints ‘text/xml’?

A) print substr($text, strchr($text, ‘:’));

B) print substr($text, strchr($text, ‘:’) + 1);

C) print substr($text, strpos($text, ‘:’) + 1);

D) print substr($text, strpos($text, ‘:’) + 2);

E) print substr($text, 0, strchr($text, ‘:’)

Question 4

What is the value of $a?

$a = in_array(‘01′, array(‘1′)) == var_dump(‘01′ == 1);


A) True

B) False

Question 5

What is the value of $result in the following pHp code?

function timesTwo($int) {

$int = $int * 2;


$int = 2;

$result = timesTwo($int);


Answer: NULL

Question 6

The code below ___________ because ____________.

class Foo {


function bar() {

print “bar”;




A) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple pHp blocks.

B) will not work, class definitions must be in a single pHp block.

C) will not work, class definitions must be in a single file but can be in multiple pHp blocks.

D) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple files and multiple pHp blocks.

Question 7

When turned on, ____________ will _________ your script with different variables from HTML forms and cookies.

A) show_errors, enable

B) show_errors, show

C) register_globals, enhance

D) register_globals, inject

Question 8

What will be the output of the following pHp code:

echo count(strlen(“http://php.net”));


Answer: 1

Question 9

What is the best all-purpose way of comparing two strings?

A) Using the strpos function

B) Using the == operator

C) Using strcasecmp()

D) Using strcmp()

Question 10

What is the difference between “print()” and “echo()”?

Answer: print is a function,echo is a language construct


1. 寫一個函式,儘可能高效的,從一個標準 url 裡取出檔案的副檔名

例如: http://sina.cn/abc/de/fg.php?id=1 需要取出 php 或 .php

2. 在 HTML 語言中,頁面頭部的 meta 標記可以用來輸出檔案的編碼格式,以下是一個標準的 meta 語句

請使用 pHp 語言寫一個函式,把一個標準 HTML 頁面中的類似 meta 標記中的 charset 部分值改為 big5


(1) 需要處理完整的 html 頁面,即不光此 meta 語句

(2) 忽略大小寫

(3) ‘和” 在此處是可以互換的

(4) ‘Content-Type’ 兩側的引號是可以忽略的,但 ‘text/html; charset=gbk’ 兩側的不行

(5) 注意處理多餘空格

3. 寫一個函式,算出兩個檔案的相對路徑