1.At common law, conduct tending to interfere with the course of justice in particular legal proceedings constitutes criminal contempt.在普通法上,意在干預具體法律程式的司法過程之行為將構成藐視法庭罪。
2.Because contemptuous conduct interferes with the administration of justice, it is punishable, usually by fine or imprisonment.因藐視法庭行為干擾司法職能,故應予懲罰,通常可以處罰金或監禁。
3.Criminal contempt is crime that is punishable by fine or imprisonment or both.嚴重的.藐視法庭的行為是犯罪行為,可處罰金、監禁或並處。
4.He is in danger of being in contempt of court.他可能會犯藐視法庭罪。
5.He refused to obey the court order and was sent to prison for contempt.他拒絕服從法院命令,因藐視法庭而被收監。
6.His conduct tending to disregard the judge's order constituted contempt of court.他不遵從法官命令之行為構成了藐視法庭罪。
7.The judge imposed an instant fine upon the contemnor.法官當即對藐視法庭罪處了罰金。
8.The judge's decision sets a precedent for future cases of contempt of court.法官的裁決為未來的藐視法庭案制定了一個先例。
9.The lawyer was fined $500 for contempt of court.律師因藐視法庭罪被判處500美元罰金。
10.The sanctions for civil contempt end upon compliance with order.對民事上的藐視法庭罪在當事人遵循法院命令後即結束。