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  2. 新年



導語: 在人們的歡聲笑語中,在聲聲鞭炮中,我們迎來了寒假,迎來了一年一度的新年。以下是小編為大家整理的英文寒假新年日記,歡迎大家閱讀與借鑑!


The new year is coming. It's very exciting. The happiest thing for the children is to get the red bag. Otherwise, how to choose two big pockets for choosing clothes!

Look at the picture of a small red sun with what seemed, from time to time, patting his pockets, yo, drum drum, and then take some sugar while eating put firecracker, beautiful thing, the adults are not so great, the new year is equal to the money yo, beautiful we have so much sugar it is also, they just talk about, can not take it seriously, the buy bought, spent flowers, still put crackling firecrackers...... A lot of total food, drawing a good omen!

Look at the children, and "the antithetical couplet posted joyous, festive celebration, bustling! These adults ah, well, they are reluctant to buy children, very good, really smart, we can not live up to their expectations, look into the Phoenix women's mind!

Finally here, I wish you a happy family, open your heart every day!






The footsteps of the happy and peaceful Spring Festival are as light as possible, flickering the reverie of spring and burning the heart of a friend.

The acquaintance is in the edge of Yucheng, true friend no matter whether met where, always pay close companionship and love, thanks for the support and e spent all of my friends happy 20XX, here we all learned a lot of friends, met a lot of good parents, thank you. Support and encouragement!

You wish, or do not, the year of the rabbit has passed. You want or do not want to experience, the new dragon year has come. Believe it or not, our life will be better and better. The new year opens new hopes, and the new gap bears the new dream. New air brings new feeling, new buds call for new prosperity. I wish you all the friends in the new year, happy every day, split splendor, second second happiness. I wish you:, literally, Everything is going smoothly. Sanyangkaitai, four, 66: peace, Five blessings descend upon the house, good luck, eight party financial, 99 concentric, Pepsi Cola, thousands of things perfect in every respect, good luck, good luck in everything!


