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請他人吃飯要記得寫邀請函哦 ,本文為大家整理了吃飯邀請函範文英語,僅供參考!


Dear Mr / MS _______:

Today we invite you to participate in the ____ (place name) branch opening celebration. We hope to celebrate with you and invite you to enjoy the gourmet champagne and visit it.

Warmly welcome you to ____ (date), ____ (A) -____ (B) arrival. If your acquaintances or friends are interested in our products, you are welcome to bring them together.


20XX XX XX day


Honorable VIP clients:

Hello! Thank you for me has always been the company's concern and support, so the company can flourish, then in late October 31st 6 in transit highway Huanglong yuntianlou holiday Royal Hotel on the third floor balcony dinner held, invite you for taking the time to attend, and eagerly waiting for your arrival!


20XX XX XX day


Time: 20xx.3.1

Location: Leopard Restaurant

Participants: the president of Holiday Inn, the assistant president of the president and the general manager of the real estate

Topic: talk about the heart, ingratiate themselves, happy.

Purpose: to think of the future and build a harmonious friendship with you.

Form: drink, eat and eat.

I hope you can come.


20XX XX XX day