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Valentine's Day Poems

Making Valentines

In February, what shall I do?

I'll make some valentines for you.

The first will have a cupid's face;

The second will be trimmed with lace.

The third will have some roses pink;

The fourth will have a verse in ink.

The fifth will have a ribbon bow;

The sixth will glisten like the snow.

The seventh will have some lines I drew;

The eighth, some flowers--just a few.

The ninth will have three little birds;

The tenth will have three little words:



Ricky was "L" but he's home with the flu.

Lizzie, our "O", had some homework to do.

Mitchell, "E" prob'ly got lost on the


So I'm all of love that could make it today.

~Shel Silverstein~

Read see that me

up will I love

and you love you

down and you and


Remember when a Valentine

Was just a name that you just drew

And you could give that Paper Heart

To someone you barely knew.

Or you maybe gave your Heart

To everybody in your Class

Drawn and cut, with Your Words

That were so much Fun to pass.

And too, those little Candy Hearts

That you used to pass around

Searching Colors and the Words

Until that Perfect One was found.

And remember that Special One

Who made your Heart skip a beat

Who you gave that Special Card

Who gave your Heart a Special Treat.

And remember how easy it was

To tell a Classmate, "I Love You!"

Not just three meaningless words

Cause everyone knew they were True.

Oh, for those Days of Innocence

When everything seemed to be Just Fine

And you weren’t afraid to ask aloud,

"Will you please be my Valentine?"

~Del "Abe" Jones~

Janice submitted the following songs for Valentine's Day!

Thanks, Janice!

V- A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E

Spells Valentine Valentine

You're the only one that makes my heart beat heart beat

I'd like to sit with you on a Love seat love Seat


you see

with a hug and a kiss

and ooh Valentine


Be Mine.

(Sung to the tune of "Kookaburra")

Valentine oh Valentine please be mine

Valentine oh Valentine please be mine

Smile Valentine

Smile Valentine

Happy Vallentine's Day