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Dear Mr or Miss

Zhejiang University GuanghuaLawSchool is going to hold the 6th International Summer Program of GuanghuaLawSchool this summer at Zhijiang campus of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou ,China. The 2013 International Summer Program aims to set up a communication platform to welcome elite law students from both home and abroad to participate in the program, which will provide various of academic, cultural and recreational activities for the participants .Here you can experience the energy of a campus powered by the pursuit of knowledge, experience students who share your focus and intensity, exchange ideas with your own individuality, experience cultural differences with your own personality, experience faculty who will inspire you to expand your world and your thinking.

For it may probably be a good opportunity for the students of your school.

Charades Game 看手勢猜字謎遊戲

以上報價已經含: 1. 境外夏令營邀請函費用

2. 營地住宿及旅行中3星級標準酒店住宿費用(2人1間) 3. 營地:營地活動、學習費用; 4. 行程內列明的交通費用

5. 行程中列明的用餐費用(團餐標準)

6. 行程中所列景點首道門票(迪斯尼樂園、環球影城,自由女神) 7. 全程中文優秀導遊費用, 8. 飲用水

? 報價中不含: 1. 境外保險費用

2. 全程機票費用(國際段+國內段)

3. 行李超重費,洗衣、電話、收費電視、全程個人消費,或因航班延誤、轉機內機場用


4. 司機/導遊超時工作費用(正常工作時間為每天不超過10小時)