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“愚人花園”(FOOLS GARDEN)成立於1992年,由德國的五個小夥子組成,其音樂風格樸實平淡。1996年以一曲《檸檬樹》走紅全球。整首歌給人一種淡淡地歡快,什麼都不用想,什麼都不想做,只想坐在陽光裡有一搭沒一搭地聽這首歌。


Lemon Tree

by Fools Garden

Im sitting here in the boring room一個人無聊待在房間

Its just another rainy Sunday afternoon在下雨的週日午後

Im wasting my time我在虛度時光

I got nothing to do我無所事事

Im hanging around我四處亂逛

Im waiting for you我在為你等候

But nothing ever happens and I wonder可是一無所獲,我很迷惑

Im driving around in my car 一個人開車閒逛

Im driving too fast 我開得太快

Im driving too far開得太遠

Id like to change my point of view想要改變自己的觀點

I feel so lonely我覺得好寂寞

Im waiting for you我在為你等候

But nothing ever happens and I wonder可是一無所獲我很迷惑

I wonder how告訴我怎麼了

I wonder why告訴我原因

Yesterday you told me bout the blue blue sky昨天你跟我說藍藍的天

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree而我看到的只有黃黃的檸檬樹

Im turning my head up and down我抬頭仰望

Im turning turning turning turning turning around我四周環顧

And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree看到的只有另一棵檸檬樹

Im sitting here我坐在這裡

I miss the power我想念那股力量

Id like to go out taking a shower我想出去淋雨

But theres a heavy cloud inside my head可我腦袋裡卻陰雲密佈

I feel so tired我感覺好累

Put myself into bed我要上床休息

Well, nothing ever happens and I wonder還是一無所獲,我很迷惑

Isolation is not good for me孤獨 這對我不好

Isolation I dont want to sit on the lemon-tree孤獨 我不想獨自做在檸檬樹上

Im steppin around in the desert of joy我在歡愉的.荒野漫步

Baby anyhow Ill get another toy寶貝 我還是會找到別的玩伴

And everything will happen and you wonder一切都會照常,你會很迷惑

I wonder how告訴我怎麼了

I wonder why告訴我原因

Yesterday you told me bout the blue blue sky昨天你跟我說藍藍的天

And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree而我看到的只有黃黃的檸檬樹

Im turning my head up and down我抬頭仰望

Im turning turning turning turning turning around我四周環顧

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree看到的只有另一棵檸檬樹

And I wonder, wonder

I wonder how

I wonder why

Yesterday you told me bout the blue blue sky

And all that I can see...

Is just a yellow lemon-tree