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本單元要求學生掌握有關出遊的動詞短語,透過討論週末要做的事情,學習用be going to結構表達自己打算或計劃要做的事。內容主要以對話的形式出現,由於是本模組的第一單元,只需做好正確的輸入準備,不要求學生對句型所有人稱的使用進行熟練掌握。


(一)知識目標1.詞彙:全體學生能正確認讀、聽懂、理解相關的動詞短語,90%左右的學生能正確拼寫:plan check my email have a piano lesson have a picnic get up early go to a partyrevise for one’s test stay in bed do one’s homework buy some clothes play table tennis listen to music2. 句型:be going to+動詞原形,表達一般將來時。多數學生能夠聽懂、理解、說出下列關於“將來做某事”的句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to ….3.對話:談論週末計劃要做的事情。85%左右的學生能聽懂並且理解教材Activity 中的對話內容;程度較弱的學生要求能理解對話。

(二)技能目標1. 多數學生經過操練後能比較流利地朗讀並且表演出Activity 3 中的對話,30%左右的學生能脫離課本表演出對話。2. 全體學生能根據教師提供的分層情境,兩人或多人小組編出一段關於“計劃”的對話,並在全班做展示交流。

(三)情感目標1. 透過互相問答練習,鍛鍊學生有目的、有計劃地做事,養成統籌安排的好習慣。2. 透過詢問他人週末計劃情況,加強同學之間的`交流與合作,形成互幫互助的良好學習氛圍。

三、教學重點難點1.重點:學習be going to結構描述將來要做的事。知識目標中詞彙與句型的講授與學習。詞彙與句型在聽、說、讀三方面的多重輸出。2.難點:學生能根據教師提供的活動要求完成口 頭敘述他人計劃的任務。突破途徑:透過情境設定,多角度訓練學生演練句型和對話,為任務做好鋪墊。

四、設計思路利 用活潑的多媒體畫面,調動學生積極性,並穿插進行口語及聽力練習,鍛鍊學生的聽說能力。對話教學採取先提出問題,帶著問題聽、理解的形式,注意了整體教 學,整體理解;然後採取互相對話的形式練習、鞏固。詞彙和短語在語境中自然接觸,很容易讓學生領會。教師儘量透過不同情景的設定,讓學生正確理解短語和主 要句型的正確含義及用法,在大量的語言輸入後再做口頭輸出。


Step 1 Lead-in 1. Tell the students: Today we are going to learn Module3, Unit 1.We’re going to learn English. We’re going to have fun.2. Show the pictures: Ask the questions and read the phrases.Step 2 Listening (Activities 1, 2,5) 1. Listen and match the words.2. Write the phrases under the pictures. Make sure the students can say the phrases quickly and clearly.3. Activity 5: Listen and repeat.4. Ask: What is he/she going to do at the weekend?Answer: He/She is going to check her email/have a piano lesson/revise for his test. etc. Step 3 Listening (Activities 3, 4)1. Tell the students: We’re going to listen to a dialogue between Daming and Betty. 2. Then ask: What’s Daming going to do at the weekend? What about Betty? 3. Ask the students to listen and answer the questions. 4. Activity 4. Choose the correct answers, then check them. 5. Listen to the dialogue again and read, then practice and act it out.Step 4 Speaking (Activity 7)Complete the diary about what Daming and Betty are going to do at the weekend and retell it.. On Saturday morning,Daming is going to check his email and do his homework. In the afternoon,he’s going to have a piano lesson. In the evening, he’s going to go to a party at a friend’s home and listen to some music. On Sunday morning, he’s going to get up early and play table tennis with some friends. In the afternoon, he’s going to meet Lingling and Tony in the park and have a picnic.Betty is going to buy some clothes on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday evening, she’s going to go to a party with Daming. She’s going to stay in bed on Sunday morning and revise for her test. On Sunday afternoon, she’s going to have a picnic with Daming, Lingling and Tony. Step 5 PractiseAsk and answer:What are you going to do…?Use:this afternoon/evening, tonighttomorrow (morning/afternoon/evening)the day after tomorrow next Sunday/week/month/yearStep 6 SummaryToday we have learned how to talk about what you are going to do at the weekend. You should know how to use be going to +do. For example:What are you going to do at the weekend?I’m going to check my email.He/She is going to have a picnic.We/They are going to get up early.Step 7 Homework1.Exx.2, 3 & 5 on Workbook P96-97.2.Prepare Unit 2.
