1. 首頁
  2. 面試





1. What are the main objectives and responsibilities of the position?

2. How does the company expect these objectives to be met?

3. What obstacles are commonly encountered in reaching these objectives?

4. What is the desired time frame for reaching the objectives?

5. What resources are available from the company and what must be found elsewhere to reach the objectives?


1. Have you had a chance to review my resume?

別以為這是個多餘的問題,事實上,不少的面試人員事前並沒有看過應聘者的簡歷,就匆匆忙忙開始了面談。他們一邊面試一邊看你的簡歷。這個問題是個開場白,如果他們沒有看過你的簡歷,通常也不會承認,可能會說:" I haven't had the chance to review it in details as I would like to."(其實就是一次也沒看過。)不要為此懊喪,沒看過的話,正好可以說,"well, maybe it is helpful for me to talk about the highlights of my qualifications." 就好象一個銷售人員在推銷產品之前,總是問“你對這個產品有什麼認識/瞭解嗎?”然後再開始自己的陳述。即使他們說已經看過你的簡歷,你一樣可以說:"So let me talk about the highlights of my qualifitions."

2. Is there anything else I can tell you about my qualifications?


3. I've read the job description, of course, but how would you describe the nature and duties of this job?

乍看這個問題顯得明知故問,其實不然。你對這份工作有你的理解,而招聘人員也許有他自己的看法,和登出來的招聘要求並不完全一樣。透過他們對這份工作的.描述,至少你可以聽出來什麼是最重要的,什麼是招聘廣告裡面沒提到的。那麼藉此發揮:"I am glad to hear that maintaining customer relationship is a great part of this position. I am very customer-focused and always keep their needs in mind." 假設你在第二次面試中和另一個面試人員談,那麼可以再次問這個問題:"I've spoken to Mr. Smith about the responsibilities involved in this job. What's your take on the most important aspects of this position?"

4. What are the major chanllenges that you staff is facing right now?
