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At nine oclock in the morning, my parents took me to Hangzhou Science and Technology Museum.


The science and Technology Museum is very large, which has three floors. The first floor is about the ocean. I played a simulated submarine. Knowing how deep a submarine can dive to the bottom of the sea, scientists use it to collect specimens and understand the ocean. It also experienced the whole formation process of typhoon. The second layer, the deepest feeling is to drive a simulation ship. I hold the direction camel and drive to the sea. As a result, I almost hit the coral reef, which scared me! I also watched the sewage treatment process; I watched robots play wonderful music. "Guitar", "organ" and "Piano" made of optical principles. The third floor is about hands-on. I used different methods to make a picture. I played "skillfully put together 12 pieces", set up "arch bridge", knot ring lock, etc. I also used the lever principle to pull a huge rock. My mother praises me!


I learned a lot in the science museum and had a good time. Ill come next time!


This morning, my uncle took my cousin and me to the Hangzhou Science and Technology Museum. On the way, I thought: I wonder if the Science and Technology Museum is fun. I must have a good time.

We came to the entrance of the Science and Technology Museum. There was a huge monster at the entrance. It opened its huge mouth, as if saying: "Welcome to the Science and Technology Museum." There was also a little alien next to it. It had only two. The fingers are very round and soft to the touch.

I walked in with my cousin. We came inside and saw a model of the Dongfanghong-1 satellite. We walked in again and saw a rally machine. Pull it up to see how strong you are. I ran over immediately. This thing is really difficult to pull, and I cant even pull it. I also compare my strength with a robotic alien. My strength is so small that I cant compare to that robotic alien with two hands. There is also a machine. As long as you wave your hand, you can know whether your wave is fast or not. I hurriedly waved, I waved back and forth, it turned out that my wave speed was too normal. Ive even sat on a walking triceratops!

What a pleasure today!


Today, my friends and I came to the Hangzhou Science and Technology Museum with the crowded people.

There is a faucet at the entrance of Science and Technology Museum. This faucet is not an ordinary faucet. It is very large, more than ten times larger than a normal faucet! There is a pool under it, and there is a sign in front of the pool: Is there any sourceless water in the world? It turned out that there was no water pipe on the faucet, but the water rushed down from the faucet. Take a closer look, hey, why is there a glass tube in this stream? Oh! I see, the mystery is here. Water flows down from the glass tube, and the tube uses the principle of siphon to pump the water up continuously. In this way, they keep circulating and the water flow continues.

Walking into the Science and Technology Museum, we first try to sleep on the nail bed. This iron bed is really strange. As soon as the staff pressed the red button, a bed of shiny silver nails slowly appeared on the iron bed. The nails were pointed and shining sharply. The little girl lying on the bed was so scared that she screamed, and we were also worried about her, but when the staff pressed the green button and the nail came down, the little girl was unharmed. What is going on here? It turns out that these nails are arranged very neatly, and the weight of a person is evenly distributed on countless nails, and the weight on each nail is only a small amount, and the nails will not hurt people. My friends and I went to the nail on the bed and slept for a while, but they were all unscathed. In the spacious science and technology museum, we also walked with the illusion device, and when we walked into the illusion device, people were dizzy. Later, I rode a square-wheeled car, tried "One Line Link", and watched "Endless Tunnel"...

There is endless fun in the Science and Technology Museum, and every interesting phenomenon contains magical scientific knowledge. Today we had a great time and learned a lot of knowledge. It can be described as a rewarding experience.


Today, we went to Hangzhou Low-Carbon Science and Technology Museum in the fall. I can hardly forget the days play. So, let me revisit my travel experience on this day.

First, we went to watch a dome movie. But we were divided into two teams to watch. When the first team went in to watch, the second team went to play elsewhere for the time being.

The ball screen movie is too shocking! When watching a movie on a huge dome screen on a recliner, it feels like being on the scene. This movie mainly describes the story of a boy in a magic school and a robot. The little boys parents wanted him to be a great magician, but he himself wanted to be an astronaut. One day, he visited the Einstein Museum and met a robot. He told the little boy that he could tell him everything about the universe that Einstein had discovered. But there is one condition-to ask the little boy to give out his magic wand. Although the little boy was reluctant, he still agreed. So, the robot told him everything he knew... What excites me the most is that the robot actually took out a picture of him and Einstein: it turns out that he knew and met Einstein! Also, in some plots, those things are getting closer and closer to us, and they are about to hit us. At this time, there was a burst of exclamation in the cinema, and some people stood up to resist! Haha, its so unforgettable!

Then, we visited the aquatic plant exhibition hall, played in the childrens world, etc. It was very interesting.

When I went back, my thoughts were still unfinished. Goodbye! Hangzhou Low Carbon Science and Technology Museum. I will definitely come here again next time I have a chance!


During the summer vacation, my parents took me to the Hangzhou Science and Technology Museum.

On the expressway, cars flowed endlessly, houses and trees passing by the windows of the car.

Two hours later, we arrived at our destination. I walked in with a curious heart, it was dark inside, giving a sense of mystery. Passing a trail, I saw many children not far away on a floor as if chasing something, I took a closer look, oh! It turns out that there are many colorful "fish" swimming freely on it. If you step on it lightly with your foot, they will immediately escape. Isnt it interesting?

went inside again and came to a place like a space capsule. Inside was a spacesuit that Uncle Yang Liwei wore during training. I am so envious! If I can wear it when I grow up, that would be great! So now I must study hard, and I secretly make up my mind.

Next, Im going to drive a "boat". As soon as I press the switch, a big screen will appear in front of the cockpit with a lake, mountains, and people swimming in the lake. The boat moved slowly, shaking. I honked the whistle first to remind those in the lake that the boat was about to leave. Then, I went forward at full speed. When I was driving proudly, my dad yelled: "Im going to hit the mountain, turn right." I saw, I was anxious, and quickly turned the rudder, and then I escaped the mountain. , I patted my chest and said, "Its so dangerous! I almost ran into it." This immersive feeling made me unforgettable for a lifetime.

Science and Technology Museum not only has a lot of fun places, but also a lot of scientific knowledge can be learned from it. It can be described as a rewarding experience!


On the morning of August 3, I, Mao Mao, Autumn and my parents took the car driven by Mao Mao’s father to the Low Carbon Museum in Hangzhou, China.

When we were about to arrive, two girls called and said. When we arrived at the destination, the two girls were already standing at the door. After opening the door, Mao Peiyu and I flew towards the door. When all the staff arrived, the children took the citizen card and the parents took the tickets and entered the gorgeous museum hall.

There is a robot in the hall, it sings low-carbon songs and dances over and over again. Looking to the right again, there was a maze of mirrors. I walked in and looked at it. There were mirrors everywhere, and I bumped my head several times. When I came out, I was already dizzy. We took the elevator to the second floor. The second floor became our resting area because there was nothing fun. We let the parents rest on the second floor, and we ran up to the third floor alone. In the exhibition hall on the third floor, there is a motorcycle that talks about low-carbon in the wild and low-carbon at home, as well as low-carbon in public places. I was very impressed by the low-carbon and environmental protection of these three places on a motorcycle. Then he ran up to the fourth floor. There were robots playing table tennis on the fourth floor. Let me know what humans can do, robots can also do. Next to it is the Giant Screen Cinema. The movie we want to watch is "Ocean Tourist". The time for the movie to be shown at the entrance of the theater has not yet arrived, so we went back to the second floor to read a book and rest.

The movie time has finally arrived, and we rushed to the fourth floor like the wind. Walked into the theater and started watching a movie. This movie let me know what the life of the little whale was like for 9 months. After watching the movie, our holiday team members returned to the first floor and took a group photo.

This team event is really fun!