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advertising cost 廣告費

appraised 估價

basic price 基價

buying offer 買方發價

ceiling price 最高價

C.I.F. value 趕岸價

combined offer 聯合發價

cost and freight (C.& F.) 到岸價;運費在內價

cost and insurance (C.& I.) 保險在內價

cost, insurance and freight (C.I.F.) 運費及保險在內價

counter offer 還價:還發價

current price 現時價

entertainment expenses 交際費

ex-dock (factory) 碼頭(工廠)交貨價

ex-mine (plantation) 礦區(農場)交貨價

wx-maker's godown 製造商倉庫交貨價

ex-quay (wharf) 碼頭交貨價

ex-ship 輸入港船上交貨價

first cost 生產成本價

floor price 最低價

franco 全部費用在內價

free alongside(on) ship 船邊(上)交貨價

free on rail 火車上交貨價

free overside 出入港船上交貨價

free out (F.O.) 卸貨費船方免責

freight collect 運貨由提貨人交付

freight repaid 運費預付

freight terms 岸上交貨價

landing (loading) charges 起貨(裝載)費

local (spot) 當地付貨價

miscellaneous expenses 雜項開支

net price 淨價;實價

offer on sale or return 許可退貨發價

offer without engagement 不受約束髮價

out-of-pocket expenses 零星開支

overhead 日常開支;日常管理費

packing charges 包裝費

prime cost 原價;主要成本

rebate 回折

retail price 零售價

stevedorage 碼頭工人搬運費

storage charges 倉租

sundry chargesd (expenses) 雜費

surcharge 附加費

wharfage 碼頭費

wholesale price 批發價