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  2. 法律



案件 case

案件受理費 litigation fee

案由 nature of case

頒佈 issue

頒佈 promulgate

辦案 handle a case

辦理 deal with

包庇罪 crime of concealing the murder

保稅區 bonded area

保險法 insurance law

保險憑證 insurance certificate

保證 warranty

保證 guarantee

保證金 bail

保證金 margins

保證金帳戶 margin account

保證人,擔保人 guarantor

保證書 indemnity

保證書 covenant of warranty

保證條款 warranty

保值利率 inflation-proof interest rate

被裁定為 be adjudged to be

從重處罰 heavier punishment

從重處罰 severe punishment

存款機構 deposit-taking institution

挫折 frustration

措詞 worded

錯漏 error|mistake

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