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  2. 愛情天地



1. The end of the world is coming, if you can save only one kind of animal, which one will you pick?世界末日來了,如果你只能救一種動物的話,你會選……

a. Rabbit 兔子

b. Sheep 羊

c. Deer 鹿

d. Horse 馬

2. If you had to be an animal which one would you choose?如果你必須要變成一種動物,你會選擇變成……

a. Dog 狗

b. Cat 貓

c. Horse 馬

d. Snake 蛇

3. If you have the power to make one species disappear forever, which one will that be?如果你有力量能讓一種物種永遠消失,你會選擇……

a. Lion 獅子

b. Snake 蛇

c. Crocodile 鱷魚

d. Shark 鯊魚

4. If one of the following animals could speak which would you prefer it to be?如果以下的.一種動物會講話,你希望是……

a. Sheep 羊

b. Horse 馬

c. Rabbit 兔子

d. Bird 鳥

5. On an isolated island you can only have one of the following as your companion, which one would you choose?在一個孤島上,你只有選以下其一成為你的同伴,你會選擇……

a. Human 人

b. Pig 豬

c. Cow 牛

d. Bird 鳥

6. If you had the ability to tame all animals, which would you prefer as a pet?如果你有能力馴養所有動物,你更願意選擇哪個成為你的寵物?

a. Dinosaur 恐龍

b. White tiger 白虎

c. Polar bear 北極熊

d. Leopard 美洲豹

7. If you could be an animal for five minutes which of the following would you prefer to be?如果你可以變成一種動物五分鐘,你更願意變成……

a. Lion 獅子

b. Cat 貓

c. Horse 馬

d. Pigeon 企鵝