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From Learning English, this is the Economics Report.

The United States says its economy expanded quickly from April to June. The U.S. economy grew at a yearly rate of 4 percent, much better than the first three-month of . During that period, the nations gross domestic product shrink at a rate of more than two percent. The GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced in the country.

Experts credited increased consumer and business spending for the economic growth. The expansion appeared to extend across economy. U.S. exports grew sharply, businesses bought goods for re-sale, and state and local governments increased spending.

In late July, President Barack Obama spoke to supporters in Kansas City. He said the latest economic numbers were another sign that things are getting better.

None of this is an accident. Its thanks to the resilience and resolve of the American people. Its also thanks to some decisions we made early on and now Americas recovered faster and come farther than just about any other advanced country on Earth, said Obama.

The economic news had little effect on financial markets. Investors appeared unmoved because this was just the first of several reports for the period from April to June.

Economist Sean Snaith is with Central Floridas Institute for Economic Competitiveness. He says it is too early to celebrate the economic gains. He spoke to through Skype.