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When i look at you的歌詞及簡介

When i look at you的歌詞及簡介

歌曲When i look at you

藝人:Miley Cyrus


所屬專輯:The Time Of Our Lives



相關介紹:"The Time Of Our Lives"是美國當紅歌手、演員Miley Cyrus繼其專輯"Breakout"後第二張與迪士尼頻道電視劇《Hannah Montana》無關的音樂作品。這張EP共收錄七首歌曲,前六首都是Miley今年的最新作品,其中的單曲Party in the USA在上市第一週後即空降Billboard Hot 100歌曲榜第二名。而最後一首則是Miley與迪士尼熱門樂隊組合Jonas Brothers合唱的"Before the Storm"現場版。這首歌曲已於之前收錄於Jonas Brothers的新專輯"Lines, Vines and Trying Times"當中,受到廣泛歡迎。


Song:When I Look At You

Artist:Miley Cyrus

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a soul

Beautiful melody, when the nights alone

Cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy (yeah)

When my world is falling apart,

When there is no light to break up the dark

That's when I (I) look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and I

Can't find my way home anymore

That's when I (I) look at you

When I look at you

I see forgiveness, I see the truth

You love me for who I am like the stars

Hold the moon

Right there where they belong and I know

I'm not alone (yeah)

When my world is falling apart

When there is no light to break up the dark

That's when I (I) look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and I

Can't find my way home anymore

That's when I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me

Just like a line of school colors that cover me

All I need every breath that I breathe

Don't you know you're beautiful

Yeah, yeah

When the waves are flooding the shore and I

Can't find my way home anymore

That's when I (I) look at you

I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me