查文庫>中考英語作文> 中考英語應用文作文模板




  Class 1,Grade 7

  Beijing Sunshine Secondary School

  Sunshine Town


  April 20


  We are happy to invite you to________________________________ We’ll hold___________from…to… (time). We will meet at________ _________(place) and have it at _________(place). We’ll do_______ (activities). We’d like everyone _____________(reminding).

  Please complete the note on the next page to tell us if you can come. We hope you can come. We look forward to seeing you at out party. Yours faithfully ∕ sincerely,

  (Signature) (列印)

  Amy (手寫)

  Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7



  1.Will you do us a favor of joining our party?您能光臨我們的聚會嗎?

  2.May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture?我可以藉此機會邀請您到我們大學給我們演講嗎?

  3.If you have no other plans for Monday, May 15th, will you come to our party at my home?如果本週五,即五月15號,您沒有其他安排的話,可以來我家參加我們的聚會嗎?

  4.Shall we have the pleasure to invite you to our party this weekend?我們可以榮幸地邀請您參加我們本週末的聚會嗎?


  1. If you haven’t made any definite plan for the coming weekend, I’d love to invite you to come to our school and join us in the party.如果您本週末尚無安排,我想邀請您來參加我們的晚會。

  2. If you haven’t promised to join your friends elsewhere, we shall be delighted to have you with us.如果您還沒有答應別的朋友的邀請,我們將十分高興地邀請您到我們這兒來。

  3. With your presence on this occasion, we are sure to have a most delightful evening.您的到來一定會讓我們的晚會增色不少。

  4. All of us here are longing for the pleasure of seeing you.您這兒的所有朋友都在盼望著能見到您。


  Address of sender


  Name (Title)of receiver

  Address of receiver

  Dear _________(Greeting)

  I’m writing to recommend sb. To become/be ______(Subject)

  Para1: abilities

  Para2: personalities

  Para3: examples of details

  Para4: Ending: We all think … should… Para1--- Para4: Message Yours sincerely,_____ (Closing)

  (Signature) (列印)

  (Signature of sender) ((手寫)

  Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7(Title of sender)



  1. 在新的主體部分的首尾各用一句話明確表示寫此信的目的,如:

  篇首:I’d like to recommend sb. to be/do…

  篇尾:We all think sb. should be…/should get the reward

  2. 文中所寫的這個人的性格特點與能力要與所推薦的任務或職位相關。

  3. 在用事例說明這個人的某個優點時,事例要與該優點相吻合。


  1. I would like to recommend sb. to be /become….我願意推薦某人成為/當/做….

  2. It’s my pleasure to recommend sb. to be /become….我樂意推薦某人成為/當/做….


  1. I am writing to recommend Mary to become the new chairperson of the Students’ Union.我寫此信的目的`是推薦瑪麗當學生會的主席。

  2. May is a hard-working and helpful student.梅是個努力且樂於助人的學生。

  3. I think John is good enough to be the chairperson. I hope you will agree.我認為約翰很適合主席這個職務。希望您能同意我的想法。


  Date of writing

  Name(Title)of receiver


  I am writing the letter to say thank you for______(Subject)

  Para1: reasons for writing the letter

  Para2: examples or details

  Para3: Ending: Thank you for… Para1--- Para3: Message

  Yours sincerely,_____ (Closing)

  (Signature) (列印)

  (Signature of sender) (手寫)



  1. 在新的開頭,第一節中明確表示感謝,即“開頭言謝”;

  2. 信的主體部分要寫出感謝的原因。如果原因不止一個,要分段寫。每段寫一個主題句,表明一個原因,再輔以具體的事例進行說明,使感謝落到實處,不讓人產生客套或做作的感覺;

  3. 在信的結尾,還要把感謝的話再說一遍,並加上對對方的祝福。


  1. With many thanks to you for entertaining me so generously.非常感謝您如此慷慨大方的招待。

  2. Indeed I do not know how to express my appreciation for your valuable services.對您優質的服務我無以言謝。

  3. We express our sincere and hearty thanks for the favors you have done for us.衷心感謝您為我們所做的一切。

  4. It will give me much pleasure to do whatever I can in return for your favor.若能對您的好意有所回報,我將不勝榮幸。

  5. Please accept our warmest thanks for what you have done for us.您如此幫忙,請接受我們最熱忱的謝意。


  1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your letter and for your kindness to me during my long illness.衷心地感謝您在我漫長的臥床期間給我來信,給我關心。

  2. I am grateful for your kind wishes for my success.感謝您對我成功的祝福。

  3. Thank you very much for the letter of congratulation and the nice gift you sent to me.感謝您寄來的祝賀信及禮物。

  4. I’d like to thank you for always being by my side on Thanksgiving Day. 值此感恩節來臨之際,感謝您一直以來陪伴在我身邊。