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  1. Before you go to your friend's home, you are supposed to make a call.

  2. You'd better prepare for your lessons in advance.

  3. It's a good way to improve your spoken English by reading English newspapers and watching English movies.

  4. I think it's a waste of time to spend too much time surfing the Internet.


  學校正舉辦主題為“My Pocket Money”的英語徵文活動,請你就以下三個方面談談自己的看法:中學生是否應該有零花錢?你平時是如何使用零花錢的?怎樣更好地管理你自己的零花錢?

  提示詞語:pocket money, buy, make use of, manage money


  Should students have pocket money?

  How do you usually spend your pocket money?

  How can you manage your pocket money better?


  I think students should have some pocket money because sometimes we need to buy some necessaries and develop the skill of managing money as well.

  I usually spend my pocket money on snacks. School things also cost money. Besides, I often buy my favorite things such as books or CDs.

  In my opinion, it is really important to make better use of the money. Above all, making plans is a good choice. In this way, I can think about if I spend the money properly. Secondly, it's necessary to save some money for something urgent. If people need my help, I will try to give them a hand.



  提示詞語:learn, play, spend too much time


  What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting online?

  What do you think of getting online for middle school students?

  How should students get online properly?

  Good afternoon, class. Today let's talk about getting online. Many students


  Good afternoon, class. Today let's talk about getting online. Many students like getting online very much. They can learn more knowledge and how to use the modern machine—computer where they can get more information. In this way, it's a good way to enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizon. But some students spend too much time playing computer games and even stay up late to chat with friends online. It takes them too much time. Gradually, they find it hard to focus on the study. What's worse, some are even cheated or robbed by their net friends.

  It's unwise to ban the Internet in the information age. So it's better to make a plan of the free time, and control the time well on the computer. Make sure not to spend too much time on the Internet.