查文庫>英語寫作指導> 解決事件型別的高考英語通用語句型





  1) How can we do something? The best place to start would be … 我們如何做某事呢?開始的最好起點是…

  2) How can we help somebody do something? 我們如何幫助某人做某事呢?專家說,第一步是做某事。

  3) How can somebody not do something? 某人如何才能不做某事呢?

  4) But why can’t we have it both ways? 但我們為什麼不能兩者兼顧呢?

  5) There are a number of points which (customers) can usefully bear in mind when considering how to (use) this…. First, …. Second, …. Third, …. Finally,… 當顧客考慮如何使用這個時,有幾點應很好記住。第一,… 第二,… 第三,… 最後,…

  6) If you want to do something, there are many simple and enjoyable ways that can help you. 如果你想做某事,有許多簡單又開心的做法可以助你一臂之力。第一步是做某事。

  7) As for the idea of doing something, … 至於做某事的主張,…

  8) As for what can be done, somebody argues that something should be done. 至於能夠做什麼,有人主張可做某事。

  9) After considering the problem carefully, the scientists concluded that the best way to do … is to do … 仔細考慮了這個問題之後,科學家得出結論說,做某事的最好辦法是做…

  10) Here are some suggestions for handling … 這是如何處理某事的一些建議。

  11) The best strategy for doing … is to do … 做…的.最佳策略是做…

  12) At the outset, it is important to be clear that … 首先,搞清…很重要。

  13) The best way to solve the troubles is … 解決這些麻煩的最好辦法是…

  14) People had figured out many ways to solve this problem. 人們已找出許多辦法來解決這個問題。

  15) Although it is affected by many factors, still there are certain ways that can make the situation better. The most important is … 雖然受許多因素的影響,但是肯定有辦法使得情況得到改善。最重要的是…