查文庫>英語寫作指導> 2015年大學英語四級作文寫作技巧




  1. 主題句

  2. 提綱作文

  3. 圖表作文

  4. 看圖作文

  5. 關鍵詞作文

  6. 標題作文

  7. 書信作文


  第一節 主題句作文




  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about TV and Education in three paragraphs. You are given the topic sentence of each paragraph and are required to develop its ideas by completing the paragraph. You should write at least 120 words and remember to write clearly on the Answer Sheet.

  TV and Education

  1. TV is playing a more and more important part in education today.

  2. But the problems with TV today are also growing more and more serious.

  3. Some suggestions have been put forward in attempt to solve this problem.


  1. 仔細閱讀指令,明確寫作題目及其它要求。

  2. 仔細推敲主題句。


  3. 找出支配全段的主導思想。

  分析主題句要找出支配全段的主導思想。支配思想對全段起統帥作用,並決定全段的發展方向。如以上三段各主題句中的支配思想分別為“more and more important part”,“more and more serious”,和“solve this problem”。

  4. 選材和擬定提綱。


  5. 段落寫作。



  TV and Education

  TV is playing a more and more important part in education today. Millions of people in China are learning foreign languages through TV. Adults watch TV every day for a great variety of courses. Special English-learning programs are available on TV for preschool children. TV is now quite indispensable in education today.

  But the problems with TV today are also growing more and more serious. For example, school children keep watching TV until late at night, leaving little time for school assignment. Watching TV for so many hours a day certainly spoils their eyesight, and makes them less enthusiastic in school studies. What is even worse, so many telefilms and teleplays are about love affairs that a great number of students begin to make friends of the opposite sex or fall in love at a much earlier age than before.

  Some suggestions have been put forward in attempt to solve this problem. Parents ought to help children select appropriate TV programs and set up some time limitations. School teachers ought to tell students how to make correct use of TV programs. TV stations should be careful in the selection of movies and plays. Newspapers and
