查文庫>英語讀後感> 國王的演講英語觀後感




  This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem. Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate. Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.

  This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted. The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent. The dry British wit is hilarious. I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes. Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie. The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause. (Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI.

  I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie. He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A.

  It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king's struggle. Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it. He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permission. She agreed but told him 'not in my lifetime'. Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years.

  Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue's grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director. They got access to Lionel's diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script.

  This movie is an unqualified must see.


  這是一個關於King George VI的傳記片,Elizabeth II女王的父親,克服了自己的口吃問題。除了他的父親不配做國王廣泛認為,喬治是不情願的推力對王位,在聚光燈下後,他的弟弟是被迫退位。籠罩在全球舞臺上的強大的演說家如Adolph Hitler和本尼託·墨索里尼,國王依靠幫助一個鮮為人知的澳大利亞語言治療師叫Lionel Logue去尋找自己的聲音,勇敢地領導他的人民為人類最具毀滅性的戰爭所面臨的。

  這是一個強大的,熱鬧的和感人的故事,告訴在現代歷史的一個關鍵時刻的背景下,出現了深厚的友誼,從兩人之間的專業關係,否則從來沒有社會交往的`出現。劇本,由David Seidler(誰也寫希爾斯:男人和他的夢想),是優良的。英國人乾得很滑稽。在一些場景中,我簡直就是在拍打膝蓋。湯姆·霍伯(伊麗莎白一世)導演的這部電影也很好。累積到高潮結局巧妙地執行,促使觀眾爆發自發的掌聲。(顯然,這也發生在Roy Thomson Hall首演。)傑弗裡·拉什(伊麗莎白:黃金時代)一份很好的工作,Lionel Logue和科林菲爾斯(一個人)是優秀的國王George VI.


  原來,David Seidler也有口吃的問題,作為一個孩子,從國王的鬥爭中獲得了靈感。在他的職業生涯早期,他想寫一個關於它的劇本。他盡職盡責地請求太后批准。她同意了,但在我的有生之年告訴他。他不知道她會活到101歲,他還得再等上30年。

