查文庫>小升初英語作文> 2015小學生英語作文範文 我的夢想

小學生英語作文 我的夢想

2015小學生英語作文範文 我的夢想


  I'm just a pupil, but his mind is full of imagination.


  I want to be a scientist, for world peace and contribute to environmental improvement. First of all I would like to create a filter can be anything, river becomes clear, so the fish can live a happy life from then on.


  Then I want to invent a seed, as long as they can in a water seconds into a towering tree, so that we can make the desert into the forest.


  I have many dreams, here is not one one lists. Although I am only a primary school, temporarily unable to achieve, but I will study hard and grow up to realize my dream.