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中國的人口作文 - 英語事件類作文

中國的人口作文 - 英語事件類作文

  在日復一日的.學習、工作或生活中,大家都接觸過作文吧,藉助作文可以提高我們的語言組織能力。那麼你有了解過作文嗎?下面是小編收集整理的中國的人口作文 - 英語事件類作文,供大家參考借鑑,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友。

  As is known to us,China has the biggest population in the world,which is more than 1,300,000, a large population causes some problems in cities,that's the many people gather in cities and the jobs are not graduates can't find a job though they have left school for addition,traffic jam is another problem resulting from the big e are too many cars on the roads and streets.

  The situation of the countryside is not many people live in the countryside and we don't have enough farm land for them.

  Fortunately,our government has realized the problems and has attached great importance to government is trying its best to create more jobs and improve traffic over,the one-child policy has helped a lot.