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  眼看著懶獅子一天天地懶下去,獅子爸爸和獅子媽媽急在心裡。於是,他們決定出一次遠門,讓小獅子體驗一下生活的艱辛。 第一天,兩隻小獅子吃完了媽媽留下來的`食物 ,過得還算順利。第二天,他們只能自己動手捕食了。

  Seeing the lazy lion lazy day by day, the father and mother of the lion are worried. So they decided to make a long journey to let the little lion experience the hardships of life. On the first day, two little lions finished the food left by their mother, and had a good time. The next day, they had to hunt by themselves.

  一隻小兔子從他們身邊跑過,第一隻小獅子學的滾、撲、撕、咬,總算是派上了用場,它先翻了個跟頭,然後撲上去,三下兩下就吃掉了小兔子。而第二隻小獅子傻傻地等著兔子送上門來,結果一隻只小兔子都從它身邊跑過。小獅子只好餓肚子了,一連好幾天都沒吃東西,它快餓死了。它很後悔當初沒學好本領。 爸爸媽媽終於回來了,小獅子勤學苦練終於學好了本領,成為一隻真正的獅子。

  A little rabbit ran past them. The first little lion learned how to roll, wrestle, tear and bite. At last, it came into use. It turned a somersault first, then jumped on it, and ate the little rabbit in three strokes. And the second little lion was waiting for the rabbit to come to the door. As a result, a little rabbit ran past him. The little lion had to be hungry. He didn't eat for several days. He was starving to death. It regrets that it didn't learn well. Mom and dad finally came back, and the little lion finally learned his skills and became a real lion.