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小學英語作文:What is the most difficult th

小學英語作文:What is the most difficult thing you have done recent

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  Recently , the most difficult thing for me is to win a game . My mother bought two dolls , she gave me one and kept the other on for herself . I want to get that doll and my mother said :“If you do all your homework right today , I will draw a star for you . Sach as this , when you get six stars , I will give this doll to you .”From then on , I do my homework carefully as much as I can , but I always make a few mistakes . So after a week , I didn’t get any stars . I thought this game was too hard to win , so my mother said :“If you do your math or chinese homework right , you can get half a star .”After some days , I finally got half a star .

  I think that the most difficult thing isn’t to win the game , but is to correct my careless problem. Seeing the lolvely doll , I think I must keep on trying my best.