查文庫>偶像> 以我的偶像為題的英語作文



  Fan bingbing is my idol. She is one of the most popular stars. She is beautiful and capable. I love watching her movies and TV serials. But last Saturday, I had seen her in the reality. She came to take part in the opening ceremony of the MIXC. Hearing her coming, I went there in the morning in case of missing with her. I waited there until seven o’clock in the evening. It was tired but worthy. There were so many people. I tried hard to get a good place. Oh, god. I saw Fan bingbing. She was more beautiful than in TV. She shocked me. And all her behaviors and words were very appropriate. It was a wonderful day.

  范冰冰是我的偶像。她是最受歡迎的明星之一。她很漂亮也很能幹。我喜歡看她的`電影和電視劇。不過,上週六,我在現實生活中看到了她。她來參加永珍城的開幕儀式。聽說她要來,以防跟她錯過,我一大早就去那裡等了。我在那兒一直等到晚上七點。很累但是也很值得。人很多。我費了九牛二虎之力才找到一個好位置。 哦,天哪。我看見范冰冰了。她比在電視上還漂亮。她驚到我了。她所有的言行舉止都很得體。真是美好的一天。