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  二月二龍抬頭的英語作文 篇1

  Longtaitou Festival is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month of the Chinese calendar.


  The name literally translates to "Dragon Raises Head Day". In the tradition of Chinese culture, the dragon is believed to be the king of all creatures and the ancestor for human being. It is also regarded as the deity in charge of rain, an important factor in ancient agriculture.

  龍抬頭如果按照字面意思直譯成英語就是"Dragon Raises Head Day"。在中國的傳統文化中,龍被信奉為萬物之王、人類的始祖。另外龍也被認作是古代農業文化的重要元素之一——掌管降雨之神。

  Today, it's a little less agriculturally-inclined, and ways to celebrate in style include eating pancakes and noodles, and, believe it or not, getting a haircut or an entirely new hairstyle.


  In ancient times, people burned incense to chase odors from the home, ensuring spring arrived fragrant and fresh and full of good fortune. Sewing was forbidden, as the needles might bring bad luck by piercing the dragon's eye. Spreading plant ashes around jugs was also common, as that would urge the dragon to fill them with rainwater.


  So start making pancakes, and book that hair appointment today - you'll want to make sure you're ready for Long Tai Tou!


  二月二龍抬頭的英語作文 篇2


  On February 2, it is a tradition for dragons to look up and cut their hair. Today, I went to have my hair cut.


  I hate to have my hair cut because I can't see it after it, but my mother said, "son, you have to have your hair cut today!" I said, "I won't cut it!"


  When my mother saw that I couldn't do it, she said, "son, when you were in the first grade, your hair was shorter and not ugly!"


  My mother is hard and soft to me. I can't stand it, so I have to cut my head.


  When I got to the barber shop, I washed my head first. The water fell from my head, and I felt my hair in tears.


  After a while, he began to cut his hair. The barber took a comb and a pair of scissors. First, he stroked his hair with the comb, and then cut it off with the scissors. I heard his hair shouting: "help! Help The barber kept repeating this action. After a while, the barber put down the two "villains" in his hand. I just wanted to be glad that I had finished cutting at last! The barber took another electric razor, and I cried in secret: how can I come back!


  The barber turned on the electric razor, and the razor hummed, as if ready to "eat" my hair. This "broken thing" is several times faster than before. My hair is like a flock of sheep, and that "broken thing" is several times faster than before. My hair can be eaten by it. I think: you "razor", nameless mouse, what qualification to shave my hair?


  After a while, I cut my hair. When I saw the ground, it was full of hair. Those hair were like a group of defeated soldiers, which I couldn't bear to see. Look in the mirror again, ah! It's just too ugly! From today on, I made an oath: I will never cut my hair again before I have to!


  The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms . Jīngzhé (pīnyīn) is the 3rd solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 360°. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 345°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around March 5 and ends around March 20. 農曆中將一年分為24個節氣,驚蟄是第三個,通常指太陽位於黃經345度時的那一天,也即差不多在陽曆3月5日到3月20日之間。

  The word 驚蟄 has the meaning of awakening of hibernated insects. 驚 is startling, and 蟄 is hibernated (insects). The traditional Chinese farming culture said that during Jingzhe, thunderstorms will wake up the hibernated insects, which also means the weather is getting warm. “驚蟄”意為“驚醒冬眠的昆蟲”。驚蟄期間,雷雨增多,因此冬眠的蟲類會被驚起,這也意味著天氣會越來越暖。

  It's also referred to as Longtaitou Festival or Dragon-Head-Raising Festival. In the tradition of Chinese culture, the dragon is believed to be the king of all insects and at same time, it is also believed to be in charge of bringing rains, and both of these are important factors in ancient agricultural society. 驚蟄又被稱作“龍抬頭”,因為龍一抬頭,就會下雨嘛。在農業社會,人們相當看重一年的降雨。

  Today, Longtaitou Festival is celebrated in various ways, most of which are still identical to those practiced in the ancient times, including eating Chinese pancakes and noodles. Perfume bags filled with the powder of ground fragrant herbs are made to be carried by women and children for good fortune, though they are no longer used as insect repellent as in ancient times. 今天驚蟄日的慶祝方式多種多樣,但是人們仍然儲存著像吃春餅和麵條這樣的傳統。婦女和小孩會佩戴香囊,以求好運,雖然今天的香囊已經不再像過去那樣,主要是起驅蟲的作用。