查文庫>高中作文> 高中英語作文:濱海的成長




  The turbulents of history, turning out of the sun and moon; rivers and rivers, pitch, is already spring and summer autumn and winter. The circulation of the years, sculpting the descendants of the past, blended the old-shabby industrial zone into today's high-tech production area, and put the simple folk customs accumulated into a unique Tsuki civilization. History, witness the growth of the coast. Binhai, the trend of the times, grasping the economic boiling, with green development as the concept, to improve the quality of life of the people, to draw a harmonious policy, in the era of the rapid development of the motherland, struggle, full display The charm of itself, develops into a new city that will uniformly and harmonious economic construction and environmental protection. The coast in my eyes is a rapid development. Listening to Grandma Grandma said that there are only the roads of the coastal in the reform, all of the roads are paved, and the vehicles on the street are not as forms now. Only bicycles or motorcycles are driving, and the building we live is no longer Gaotown in the cloud, only a flat room. The equipment in the room is also different from now that is so novel, only a simple wooden table, wooden bench and wooden bowl and other supplies, and only fire fires when cooking. The TV has only black and white screens. Today, I saw the city's wide road, the highway side of the lush trees, the towering building and the city's building are so new. I saw that people were in an orderly manway in the sidewalk, people came to people, and they were endless. I saw a continuous motorcycle on the cement road, the car, the motor vehicle lane, and the electric car was driving. Standing over a height, you can see: the new villas with different styles are arranged in a square. Bank, hotel, national tax, land tax building, insurance building ...鱗櫛. Presenting the children of our 21st century is a blueprint that advances to the times, keeps pace, the sun. Mom is always talking to me. Grow up. Every Binhai face blooms like a flower smile, interpreting the joy of material civilization and spiritual civilization synchronization. Every field visitors are amazing, and we convey us the sound of rapid growth in the New Sea New Area. Driven on the wide avenue, see the beautiful residential building, the large factory, business, is so completed in the green green. Harmony builds a beautiful picture here; harmony is in this child into a moving movement; harmony has sprouting here, giving birth to a large tree of life. This tree firmly roots in this deep love land, in the red breath, standing in the hot passion in the Olympics, standing into top-standing postures. The green leaves of the tree are flying in the wind. At this moment, we feel that the coastal new district, listens to the harmonious development of moving poems. Today we grow in the beautiful Hanyu, the proud of the coastal new district. We are happy in this hot soil, growing, tomorrow, our generation will continue to work hard, longDacheng talents, waiting for us to be full, will come back to build a Binhai New Area, add bricks in the development of Binhai New Area, so that the Binhai New Area will be more brilliant, so that the Binhai New District is proud.what!I am proud of myself!