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高三的英語作文:The last beginning

高三的英語作文:The last beginning

  在日常生活或是工作學習中,大家都寫過作文吧,寫作文可以鍛鍊我們的獨處習慣,讓自己的`心靜下來,思考自己未來的方向。一篇什麼樣的作文才能稱之為優秀作文呢?下面是小編精心整理的高三的英語作文:The last beginning,歡迎閱讀與收藏。

  A sall tree finall pened its ees, with the first sight f the wrld .But the land was bare, with little green. Everthing was uch different fr what it dreaed in the earth,

  An ld an . waled int his sight and sat in frnt f the tree ,gazing at it .

  “wh are u ?” ased the tree, happil. But there sae n answers.

  After a shrt silence , the ld an stared at the gre s.

  “what are u ding?” ased the tree, again.

  “I’ erizing,” the an said with a trebling vice.”

  “when I first arrived here ……”he had a sudden cngh fr pause . “when I first arrived, here are an trees which as enthusiastic as u, but taller than u.”

  “ Reall ! Where are the nw?” The tree ased happil, as happ as a id finding a cand.

  But the ld an nl glanced arund quietl with ees full f sadness and quilt. Then cntinued his wrds.

  “Then I settle dwn. It was the st wnderful tie that I had ever ened at beginning. I can appreciated the flwers in springs, slept in the shade in suers, picaed up the gd fruits in falls and ade fires fr warth with wd in winters,” With the wrds, happiness and indness aurred in the an’s face.

  “But thirteen ears later, I fund gasline under grund.” Suddenl, he clsed his ees, buried his head in his hand.

  “what’s that ?” the sall tree ased frightenedl.

  “abe a gd thing.” the an finall becae cal, “In rder t ship the gasline awa, I cut dwn an trees t build big bats. At last, few trees left. Ling at the trees staps, I felt guilt. But I was swallwed b ne and frgt the happ das and despair f the trees. The gas was ined assivel and as a result, the grund began t fall dwn. I had t answer fr what I had dne. One da ust befre I left a big lightning struc gas, everthing then burned. Therefre, the trees, the gas. The bats including heart were gne.”

  The sall tree ept silent.

  “Nw, I want t d sething t iprve, but nthing can be dwn. I fund the seed f u fr the sea several ears ag. S please help return the green !” cried the an.

  “s u are sure that u wn’t cut dwn the trees an re?” the ld an ndded .

  “the gasline?” ndded again.

  “and u green t plant seeds everwhere and sta here frever?”

  “es, I d!”

  The sall tree led at the an, then turn its face t the sining sun, which is lie a rising sun. In the island, the shadw f the tw cbined tgether.

  A light wind cae, the green leaves ade a gentle sund.