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Learn English初二英語作文

Learn English初二英語作文

  無論是身處學校還是步入社會,大家都嘗試過寫作文吧,根據寫作命題的`特點,作文可以分為命題作文和非命題作文。相信很多朋友都對寫作文感到非常苦惱吧,以下是小編幫大家整理的Learn English初二英語作文,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。

  We know it is difficult to learn English. My English is very good. I learn English like this.

  I Listen to the teacher carefully and write the important points down on my notebooks. After class I revise the lessons. Before class I prepare new lessons to find out the questions. Then I will listen carefully in class.

  I also listen to the tape, and speak English with my classmates in the classroom and on the playground. It’s to improve my listening and speaking.

  I keep a diary every day to practise my written English.

  Besides this, I often read English newspapers and magazines to enrich my knowlege on English culture.

  We will learn English well so long as we learn it hard.